Starting White Rhino


Active Member
Is one 55 Watt CFL good enough for 1 seed? When do i have to switch lights to HPS or something else? This is my first time growing inside, i'd love some help


Active Member
yea it is a grow light

what wattage should the HPS be for one plant that I hope to get to be about 3 feet at least and bushy


Active Member
How much will that cost though? 400 bucks or something? is there any cheaper way?


Well-Known Member
you would probably get away with a 250w hps if your just growing 1 plant. iv currently harvested 6 ounces off 4 plants under a 250w so should be plenty and with less heat. all youl need is your extractor, a clip on fan blowing across the top off the canopy and you shouldnt have a problem


Active Member
^Is that 6 ounces off each plant? Or was that the total?

Do you think 50 degrees is too cold for my grow room?
I can probably bump it up a little bit to 55 or something, but its not heated.
Since it just sprouted should i put it somewhere else until it grows a little bit before putting it in my colder grow room?
And also I can just put it as close as to my CFL as possible right? as long as its not hot?
And should I keep it in its humidity tent for a while?


Well-Known Member
that was total weight i had a few ph problems also so that mightave effected yeild but still gd under a 250 hps. i would move the plant if its just sprouted to sumwhere a lil warmer at least 60 degrees for a few weeks till alil bigger. yes try and kep the cfl as close as possible without touching the plant. sometimes my tent fallsdown into the 50s but id advise getting a lil heater for your grow room if possible, you want around 75 when lights are on and around 60-64 lights off.


Active Member
keep your seedling as close as you can to the cfl

when it gets established, put it under your HPS... 250W will do for one plant, but 400 will give you better yeild
the HPS light will help keep things warm in your grow area
if your worried you could get a cheap fan heater on a timer to turn on when the lights go out to keep the warmth up


Active Member
alright thanks guys.

Its doing good so far, even in the low temperature. What do you think of around 50% humidity?
I think I'm going to go with a 400, and I got a small desk fan i can use.

Stick around for it being a female (its a feminzed seed) and i'm going to try my hand at cloning.


Active Member
Alright so my little girl sprouted on the 6th, and she seems to be doing well so far, heres a picture of her progress. (computer picture for now)
Photo on 2011-03-22 at 23.07 #4.jpg

I'm getting a 400 Hps on friday. When should I switch to it?


Well-Known Member
looks healthy :) id switch to the hps after the 3rd set of leaves. remember to gradually lower the hps towards the plant over a period of time when she is still a seedling.


Active Member
how far away should i start it from the plant?
Also, my leaves seem to curve downwards, thats not a bad thing is it?
and when could i start adding some nutrients to its water? i should wait until its been under the HPS a little bit, right? Because I use fish emulsion and I am not sure how much i'm gonna start it with