Starting with Aerogarden (my first grow, advice appreciated)


Well-Known Member
Well i smoked a joint, went back in there and looked closely again, and now i feel better. I think they are just new sets of leaves but i'm gonna keep a close eye on them.


Well-Known Member
First off Kudos to you sir, for producing such beautiful kids. Im baffled at your progress so i must ask, is that correct??? 7 weeks since germ??? Increible

OoOotay... So ive read hudreds of threads, and i finally decided to put my christmas present to good use after seeing the success that you all had. As with most of you, im sure you had your doubts about this product just like i had, but for the most part. IT WORKS.

at least so for so good that is....

Ive been growing for about 2 years using nothing but the good ol down south sun, and never tried growing hydro. Im walking thru linens and things, and my dick got hard when i seen this mini marijuana manufacturing machine. Ive always thought hydro was too complicated, and imma beast when it comes to growing outdoors with soil, so i thought this machine was perfect for a hydro newbie like myself.

Im not goin to take up to much space in your thread, cuz i plan to make my own journal real soon, but since i found this one the most in formative, i have a few questions and concerns.

1)The pics wont show real good but i definatly have nute burn on a few of the second set of leaves. (orangish brown spots) Im guessing its because i nuted from jump like the damn thing told me to. OOPS. I read yall put one tablet every 2 weeks, GOT IT.

2) The light.......Its bright as hell, but is it strong?
When i started this experiment, i told myself, imma just use whats in this box, nothing else. But i am becoming very fond of indoor growing and hydro, that i am going to shell out for a light, and maybe even a better system ONE DAY. Will my standard AG light be suffciant? Or should i stop being a cheap pansy, and just buy a something a lil stronger? What light would you suggest?

3)I have five plants in rotation right now. One is being an asshole and taking forever, so i might just dump it in soil and cross my fingers. Of the other four (2 ak-47, 1 bubblegum x blueberry, 1 white widow x super skunk). Ive read only three plants can thrive like their spose to because of the roots and all, but imma rebel and this is MY experiment. Im guessing the ak-47 is indica, cuz the leaves are nice and fat. the other two must be sativa. Am i fine with what i got, or will my resevoir become over run by a out of control root system? (The roots alreay look like big jellyfish tentacles)

Anyway heres some pics, any input would be luvly, no matter how harsh it is:bigjoint:

Oh Yeah.. these are 14 days old, lemme know if im looking like you were...



Well-Known Member
First off Kudos to you sir, for producing such beautiful kids. Im baffled at your progress so i must ask, is that correct??? 7 weeks since germ??? Increible

OoOotay... So ive read hudreds of threads, and i finally decided to put my christmas present to good use after seeing the success that you all had. As with most of you, im sure you had your doubts about this product just like i had, but for the most part. IT WORKS.

at least so for so good that is....

Ive been growing for about 2 years using nothing but the good ol down south sun, and never tried growing hydro. Im walking thru linens and things, and my dick got hard when i seen this mini marijuana manufacturing machine. Ive always thought hydro was too complicated, and imma beast when it comes to growing outdoors with soil, so i thought this machine was perfect for a hydro newbie like myself.

Im not goin to take up to much space in your thread, cuz i plan to make my own journal real soon, but since i found this one the most in formative, i have a few questions and concerns.

1)The pics wont show real good but i definatly have nute burn on a few of the second set of leaves. (orangish brown spots) Im guessing its because i nuted from jump like the damn thing told me to. OOPS. I read yall put one tablet every 2 weeks, GOT IT.

2) The light.......Its bright as hell, but is it strong?
When i started this experiment, i told myself, imma just use whats in this box, nothing else. But i am becoming very fond of indoor growing and hydro, that i am going to shell out for a light, and maybe even a better system ONE DAY. Will my standard AG light be suffciant? Or should i stop being a cheap pansy, and just buy a something a lil stronger? What light would you suggest?

3)I have five plants in rotation right now. One is being an asshole and taking forever, so i might just dump it in soil and cross my fingers. Of the other four (2 ak-47, 1 bubblegum x blueberry, 1 white widow x super skunk). Ive read only three plants can thrive like their spose to because of the roots and all, but imma rebel and this is MY experiment. Im guessing the ak-47 is indica, cuz the leaves are nice and fat. the other two must be sativa. Am i fine with what i got, or will my resevoir become over run by a out of control root system? (The roots alreay look like big jellyfish tentacles)

Anyway heres some pics, any input would be luvly, no matter how harsh it is:bigjoint:

Oh Yeah.. these are 14 days old, lemme know if im looking like you were...

You will need better lighting to flower but that could be done with about $50... keep the hood at the lowest position what cycle are you growing with ? tomatoes is the better one .. you look good though .. check out daves grow


Well-Known Member
WOW... after looking at Daves garden that left me with a few more questions...

1) i see you have a pump hooked in the garden on the outside. Thats just a regular pump with an airstone on the other end right???

2) and how did you change the water without fucking up the whole thing? im only at 14 days, but the longest root has to be a good foot long. Before i read this thread i popped in two large AG tabs in the water like a dummy bacause it was feeding time. after reading this, i was able to grab one nute before i was broken down, but im thinking i should just replace the water, and add one nute every two weeks for feeding....


Well-Known Member
Hey Smoke,

Yes, this is 7 weeks from germ, today is the beginning of week 8. Me and Dave are basically using the same home made light fixture with CFLs. If you check my gallery, you'll see a pic of mine. I think Dave has an airstone as well, I have one but it's too big and i'm too lazy to go shopping for another one. To change the water, fill up a gallon bowl or pan near a sink, then remove the top of the AG (the whole top comes off), and stick the top in your clean fresh water in the bowl while dumping the old water out of the resevoir. Clean the res, put the top back on, and refill with water. I have been using one tablet every week for nutes, but you should work your way up to that instead of adding what the AG says right off the bat.


Well-Known Member
thats wsup, just replaced the water, and everything seems to be going fine. my low water and low nute meter is flashing, but i figured that seeing im not going exactly by the book. but anyway, im going to walmart to get these lights yall are talking bout. Are they the tubes or the grow lights?


Well-Known Member
i succesfully used an aero garden for a few grows now and have come to the conclusion that they don't provide enough room for multiple plants, and the table system that delivers the water gets clogged with fox farms big blooms. After some modifications, ripping off the pump and adding a giant air stone, i now have a shallow water culture going, ( day 2) but there should be no problems. The aero garden is awesome but i had to add a lot of lights, red spectrum t-5, full spectrum 125 watt 65000 lumen cfl, and the aero garden lights. don't clog your system and be sure to clean really really well.


Well-Known Member
wow thats a first for me, compliments on my grow on a different thread:mrgreen:
thanks guys, but like W.o.W said we basically have the same setup and hes doin the same nute feeding i did. cant wait to see what your buds look like man. good job

i think were the aerogarden brothas.......:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
Well Dave your going to have to add anotha :joint: to the cipher, because in 5 weeks i plan to have a "high time worthy" plant, and i will earn my right to the "AG BROTHERHOOD"...

I got the cfls, its late so im goin to roll a donkey dyck, and and go get some sexual healing. I will post pics tomorrow on the set-up.. i have something niffty in mind... i may even start my OWN journal.. who knows...:roll:


Well-Known Member
So the past few days i been checking my aerogarden i have been using it for almost a month and i have gotten two plants to sprout so far. I'm using 125w cfl's and a T5 floro light the temp in my closet is 84 degrees. I have a fan blowing on the lights and i can touch the lights and their not hot at all, they are running on 18/6 right now. Will my plants grow in that temperature or no? If not how can i lower the temperature?


Well-Known Member
the temp of the closet could be lower, 80 is ok. A possible issue could be the aerogarden pump itself heating up your reservoir, witch can lead to root rot and bacteria. I ran into that problem. I have had 3 great harvests, 3 plants at a time, and turned out over an ounce per plant. Just fine for me. Deeper res. means bigger plants. Also it is a good idea to use a nylon, or tight netting to contain the roots so you don't get a massive root mass. (also an issue)


Well-Known Member
air circulation and conditioning are the best way, from the bottom of your net pots or the aero pods use a zip tie to contain the roots with a nylon (what i use)