State your age.



well, my age,nor anyone else's matters

this is just another tactic to destroy credibility


New Member
I've divulged my age a few times on RIU. Not very interesting stuff. Next year at this time, I'll be a year older.


Elite Rolling Society
medicineman, I probably hold you in higher esteem than any other member here.

Your wisdom and advice are to be much admired.

Cloud City

New Member
And now I know for sure that you're a raging liberal punk. Only those on the far left ever point out spelling errors. Its done in an attempt to denigrate the opposition when one cannot win an argument through logic. So, continue on Mr. English teacher. :blsmoke:

So only those on the left know how to spell? :wall:

Illegal Smile

I smoked hemp with George Washington at Mount Vernon.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Thiers a lot of lying going on here,some of you told me you were 19 and now you say 30,WTF.I guess about half this site is young lying kids and the others old men like me.Whats wrong with giveing your age correctly?

Illegal Smile

Why bother with giving your age correctly? How can anyone know if it is true? Why should they care? Same with assuming everyone is male, who cares? I think most of you are too caught up in the futile game of trying to relate in cyberspace as if it were the real world. I don't care if the person I'm talking to is 15 or 55. If he acts 15 (and many 55 yr olds do) I'll regard him as 15.

Out here in the ether everyone can be who and what they want. That is, if they can pull it off with the content of their posts because that's all we really are here.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
The reason you give your age correctly is lying is for fucking losers and thiefs in my book.This is just a fucking thread,why lie about you age?

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
if im from the future do i count the years that i traveled from
if i am 30 and i had traveled from 2029 to 2009 would that make me 50
20 years have past just in the other direction for me the time traveler time still moves foward

like if i can stop time i still age because time does not stop for me

Illegal Smile

The reason you give your age correctly is lying is for fucking losers and thiefs in my book.This is just a fucking thread,why lie about you age?
Not saying anyone should lie only that they will and to think that they won't is naive. Why judge anyone by their stated age when you don't know enough about them to decide if their stated age is true or not?