.::Stavlen - Growing SkItTlEs - Taste the Rainbow - MICRO MICRO::.


Well-Known Member
I think i finally got this thread in the right place... sorry De de de moment.... =_=

Hey My fellow
green thumbed ganja lovers! I'm back, You may remember me as the guy who got "Busted" Well long story short, I supposabl robber a "vehicle" and an "apartment" for "electronics". Well The day i had a bad feeling I shredded my plants (which were beautiful and didnt break 6 inches and were budding.) The very NEXT day, the polic searched my place. Lucky huh?

Well there ya go. Now im on a super micro grow, why micro? Because its some what of a challenge and its fun to do. Well, in my latest grow the strain is called SKITTLES
, i was lucky enough to find some seeds in the latest batch.

But anyway heres my box, Im going even smaller than my last 2 grows. :) and yes once again with MG soil, NO NUTES, and watered with bottled water on a drip system I rigged up... Drip system? Im not sure but gimme some feedback bitches!

I apologize for quality. using a phone. DIGITAL IS BROKE

CHECK THE PICS, and can anyone tell me about the strain SKITTLES?
