Stealing electricity all the other posts


New Member
Neighborhoods are expanding constantly. As the amount of housing units increase within the grid served by the substation or pole mounted step-down transformer the time for additional step-down transformers being fed by the local substation will near . When it does, you can be certain the power company will conduct periodic load tests to determine where to replace or add more step-down transformers. Guess what happens after this load test. You're busted. I have a certain set of rules to remaining stealth. Rule #1: Don't steal power. Why? It is the number one reason why growers get caught.Google this key phrase : marijuana bust electricity theft. You will find more news involving grow op busts with this phrase than any other.


Well-Known Member
pay the bill ! or get busted get arrested thrown in jail fined, and go to hell for stealing, its not like your not making money , ass hole.