Stealth 70w HPS SCROG


Active Member
Fuck , I installed carbon filter and duct fan a few days ago , and today I recognised that theres no fan noise , so i checked the airflow with my hands and nothing came out , power was on , then I checked the plant. soil was crispy dry and bud which is near hps got 2cm top dried up. Tomorrow I will get my money back on that fucking fan that I paid 10 euro.


Well-Known Member
ouch that bites. i can hear mine from next room kinda sounds like a low humm. but i have a 6 inch 250 cfm fan sucking the air out and same pumping air in.
Fuck , I installed carbon filter and duct fan a few days ago , and today I recognised that theres no fan noise , so i checked the airflow with my hands and nothing came out , power was on , then I checked the plant. soil was crispy dry and bud which is near hps got 2cm top dried up. Tomorrow I will get my money back on that fucking fan that I paid 10 euro.


Active Member
Harvesting in 1 week . Holding my thumbs for maximum I can get out of it . The shittest thing was the end when whole plant had some leaves/pistols dried out cuz of the shitty vent I bought , I'm gonna buy 3x faster one which is 120mm vent like the one i have from ebay , so what i can say is from my experience i dont recommend anyone using 10 euro 60 cfm bathroom vents for a pc grow , which gonna get the shit really fucked up.

Anyways , happy smoking , its friday and 4:20 here in less than one hour :joint:

smokey the cat

Well-Known Member
Ahh, a shame! Beautiful work keeping those plants - those longer grows are tough in a small space, and you were on the home stretch.

Can you post a photo of the carnage?


Active Member
Oh my sweet lordy, those buds are astronomical oO Do you have any details on how you did your scrog? I might wanna try that for my next one.


Well-Known Member
he grew in a pc case with hps it rocks in it self. if he could get a bigger area and use bigger hps bam. i also like to add led to give more potency and taste. cree has led bulbs now instead of cfl, so you can add 2 led into a grow and bam it all helps.


Active Member
Oh my sweet lordy, those buds are astronomical oO Do you have any details on how you did your scrog? I might wanna try that for my next one.
There's nothing hard, I just made 3x8 area with thread and some plastic strips.
Ahh, a shame! Beautiful work keeping those plants - those longer grows are tough in a small space, and you were on the home stretch.

Can you post a photo of the carnage?
Theres nothing very bad just buds tips got dried out.


Well-Known Member
Check this out , I found my cat sleeping with my clone.
View attachment 3034817
Cat's and weed, the perfect picture. It was probably nice and warm haha, Nice grow legalize! Very impressive, those cola's are massive for the size of the case! Do you carbon filter at all? I can imagine that smelled strong.

cree has led bulbs now instead of cfl, so you can add 2 led into a grow and bam it all helps.
I just got stage 1 done in my PC. I'm using 60w from a Cree CXA2530. Two would be batshit bright for my small case if they ran at max current.


Active Member
Cat's and weed, the perfect picture. It was probably nice and warm haha, Nice grow legalize! Very impressive, those cola's are massive for the size of the case! Do you carbon filter at all? I can imagine that smelled strong.
The smell itself is sweet and hard to notice , when it comes to driying in couple of days , I can't imagine what it's going to smell like then. I had carbon filter , but didn't have any good experience of it becouse within 2 days fan didn't work anymore. Just a minute ago i read about odor control with white vinegar, simply 4/6 with water, dont know if its going to help much.


Well-Known Member
You'd really have to be desperate to use vinegar. I hope my fan doesn't fail! That would suck. Good luck with the drying process at least you don't have a skunk strain.


Active Member
Hey, harvested yesterday. Got 31g with stems and undried. I let it airdry for 7 days or when stems snap and then do cure for 2 weeks, and the final product should be finished by 20th April.