Stealth Aero Grow #1


Well-Known Member
The run down. I am tired of dishing out a lot of money to buy Bud, when i am more than competent and able to grow my own. And after discovering these amazing forums and insightful advice from various growers i feel that i am ready to take the plunge. Originally i was planning on growing 2-3 plants using a soil median, however after reviewing various suggestions and grow setups, i feel that aeroponics is the way to go. I have some basic gardening skills, nothing fancy.

So i plan on growing using The 30 minute 6 plant aero build as my initial setup. This is going to be my 1st serious grow (in the past i've failed after germination, heh). So far i have purchased a 400 watt HPS, A 225 LED panel, and a 600 GPH motor (w/ variable GPH) for the setup.

What's left to buy? Obviously i need to construct the rest of my setup, Nutes, and a PH meter. Carbon filter setup to control odor etc. (If i'm missing anything feel free to add it)

Grow Space: I plan on using a discreet 3x3/4x4 corner in my room. I could use a closet, but i feel this corner will work fine. Eventually i am planning on purchasing some clones and transplanting them into the grow system. I ordered some seeds as well, but would prefer to work with clones.

The construction of my setup is still in the works. Unfortunately due to pending commitments, i won't be able to get the ball rolling until the new year. My only concerns with this is growing the plants in the same area i live in. Odor seems to be of the greatest concern, and reading various posts i've heard a carbon filter works, baking soda boxes, and some type of odor gel. Otherwise i am committed to this experience and will keep people updated.

ps. I'll post pics of my growing area when i have some time.


Well-Known Member
Finally have the project underway. Instead of a corner, i did decide on growing in a cabinet. It would make better for containment, easier to ventilate, and will help containing odor.
Not only that, but it is stealth. heh.

I still need to construct fletch's aero growing system. I have a pump, and need to pick out my tote, piping, etc etc. I need to get some pots, rockwool, clay pebbles etc...but i'm well on my way.

