~Stealth cabinet inside closet grow~


Well-Known Member
I topped one my plants last year and they turned a purpleish color. It lookd like that a couple weeks after topping. I think it is focusing more on growing the new tops.
Hey Passthatsh!t thanks for stoppin by, so you dont think it will effect the plant at all? can I trim them off or should I leave them on?


Active Member
now i thot it you lst you dont have to top....fuck if i know i seem to get confused when i read to many threads!! so if ya top a plant and do it right you should get two new tops right??? what do you do with the top you cut off plant it?? and if ya top it does that keep it shorter too???


Well-Known Member
now i thot it you lst you dont have to top....fuck if i know i seem to get confused when i read to many threads!! so if ya top a plant and do it right you should get two new tops right??? what do you do with the top you cut off plant it?? and if ya top it does that keep it shorter too???
Thanks for coming by soohigh, Yeah I am doing a combination of things, this is my first grow so I am experimenting with different plants. some I have topped, some im using LST with, and some both, and some im just lettin grow. If you top a plant you can get I heard 2 or 4 new tops, maybe more idk like I said this is my first grow. The top you cut off could be used as a clone i guess if it is big enough? maybe someone else could answer this. but from what I see LST seems to keep the plant shorter, and i think thats the whole idea.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I just wanted to say that Micronutrients kick ass!! I mixed up some with the GROWBIG lastnight when I got home from work and I woke up this morning and to my amazement I noticed huge height, leaf, and color change. My two topped plants are recovering very well and doing some crazy shit, but its sweet cuz I like what they are doing. I also moved Jamie outside yesturday to make room for my better looking plants. I will do an update tomorrow on VEVES it will be one week flowering for her tomorrow. Stay stoned guys


Well-Known Member
hey F2H, props on the cfl setup i rescently just moved to hps but my last 4 were cfl and i can tell u that u can still get great blooms from cfl hell i had a qp of my last one dried weight it was a micro grow but who cares, its all about experience and the more u have so keep up the good work and everthing looks wunderful lol. ill stay scribed.


Well-Known Member
Will that help with the size of the plant even if I'm LST'ing it?? Can I still top my plant if its been about 4 1/2 weeks now?? thanks SICC and thanks for stopping by htownhomegrown


Well-Known Member
Yeah if you're still vegging you can topp them and get some LST going as well, then once you shape them the way you want, switch them into flowering


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4005139]Yeah if you're still vegging you can topp them and get some LST going as well, then once you shape them the way you want, switch them into flowering[/QUOTE]

Ok thanks but I already have one that is in flowering because its ahead of the others can I still top that plant?


Well-Known Member
Both times it took them 14 days for some reason, it can longer, but usualy they should show sex pretty fast, but each plant is different


Well-Known Member
Ok that kinda makes me feel a little better cuz Ive had it in the new light cycle for a week today, so far no balls so.... we will see. I have a question about my flowering box though, would it be cool to leave the top open on it while the lights are on or would that be wasting lumens/light? its to help filter more fresh air in to keep the temps down?

I also got this 120mm 3 speed Tricool fan I want to install sometime soon but how do I wire it up? ive read threads about how to do it but mine has an extra wire other than black and red so..anyone know which wires to cut?? see the pictures below and also should I be using it as an INTAKE or EXHAUST I already have 1 of each so what do you think?? temps are in the 80s the lowest being about 81



Well-Known Member
If it helps with tems you could always open the top, do you use something to reflects the light down or do you just hang ing the lights in there? either way i would think opening it would be fine.
Im not too sure on the fans tho, i haven't done anything like that


Well-Known Member
So my 6 other plants that are still in veg under 18/6 wont be effected by me leaving the top open on the one that I already have in flowering? just maybe keep a close eye for balls if I DO have it open?? Im home and the only one in my room for a majority of the time so im able to monitor it. Also can I take my 6 plants that are still vegging and set them out of the lights in my room just to chill for a bit?? and how long at a time?? and SICC the lights are hanging from powerstrips using Velcro and the box is lined with mylar around all sides. So when I open the top the lights are still completely inside just the roof of the box is open. Hope that makes sence and hope you could answer those questions as well. thanks.


Well-Known Member
The plants that are vegging will be fine, the light cycle doesn't really matter during veg. but i thought you had two different cabs? one for veg and one for flowering. so why would you need to take them out? the ones that are vegging?

lol im a lil confused on your situation


Well-Known Member
You know just to give em a little fresh air for a bit was my question. I do have 2 cabs though your right on that. I also got my fan hooked up and runnin. but wouldnt having the flower cab roof open possibly effect the ones in veg since there in the same closet??


Well-Known Member
yeah it would i thought you had that one plant it that separate container on page 2 i think, i wouldn't work if there in that cabinet together