Stealth Desk growin 007 style


Well-Known Member
150w CMH sounds awesome!! I'm chillin, smoking weed and BHO, waiting for my lady to get off work, then probably gonna drive around and smoke thinking about doing some maintenance on the garden in a little bit. I have some branches hanging from the outdoor harvest that still need to be trimmed, but I'm so sick of trimming I might just blast it through the BHO extractor...

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Lol I need herbs ha ha ha -_- fuck why can't any of my nug be far enough along to pinch a piece lol and I hit this clone here I got no idea what umma do with it lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if I had more gas in my car, I'd be down. I gotta save my gas to make it to work through Friday cause I'm super broke for the next 4 days. All I have is money I've been saving for a laptop, which i so desperately need!

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Well when it rains it pours my parents said shut it down today or get he fuck out and since im broke and barely can pay rent here I pulled the plug I'm giving em to someone close so they will finish but not the way I want not by my hand and methods I'm so fickin mad right now I almost punched through my wall into my brothers room and I got plaster walls shit hurt every fickin time I get into flower and I have to pull get bugs or worms or I gotta shut down fuckin so damn lame man I'm fuckin raging mad

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Lol, I don't have a right to be upset when they told me it was coo in the first place? Fuck man i pay rent here I fuckin pulled the plug the second they asked. Why because it's their house. I have every right to be upset about it, as for he wall I've already fixed and painted it. My hurt hand is punishment enough for my dumb ass punchin the wall. That's my crop bro I need it I don't know about u but them tellin me i cant do that just cost me all the money I dropped for setup and not to mention the money I now have to spend the next coming months until I can get another spot all to myself agin. They interrupted a breeding project and fucked off commitments I've made. I'm cool with it because it's their house but I fuckin damn straight have a right to be upset and since I don't bitch or yell at my parents I thought I'd just let my fellow growers know what's goin on. In my grow thread Who better to understand what a shitty situation this turned out to be. Lol there's always another day but shit man let me mourn for a bit.

Go troll someone else's thread


Well-Known Member
yea you have a right to be upset but to be "raging mad" and punching holes in walls...come on, youre lucky they gave you an option is that not the truth?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Umm not exactly when someone just won't tell u y they pulled the plug it's very frustrating especially in mid flower looking at tricome devrlopment starting regardless of that fact so eat I made a mistake I punched a wall i hit it harder than I thought so I graciously walked to home depot bought supplies I couldn't afford cuz I'm a dumb ass an punched the wall said sorry my parents aren't even mad your more offended than them and it was their wall lol


Well-Known Member
Parents found mine in a place I rented from them. Gave me 24hrs. I'm non med so transporting 4-5footers is a pain. I chopped em and started back up. It sucks sooo bad but you'll get up n runnin again. Its a passion man and based on your work/pics you have it. Gl

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Thanks man I got a few pics from my main grow imma post today was supposed to be yesterday but I got busy with the garden

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
well heres a couple of beutiness pics for ya they dont come out as good as the vids i upload but whatever they still look nice.its because i had to email em because i cant seem to get my blue tooth on my phone to link up to my computer.... computer sees the phone but the phone just keeps searching and searching and searching...

