Stealth Desk growin 007 style

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
every week check the FB page in the events section for updates on when the next one is. I think theres like nine more or something.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
transplanted about six seedlings yesterday, got two more that still need transplant. I decided to put one in an air pot that i made we'll see how that goes. Im gettin in some of my black jacks that need sexing today, yesterday the jilly bean left for the big leagues and the mother room. I flipped the switch on the last bbk and the last wonder woman last night as well. So things are moving along, hopefully in a few weeks ill be able to turn the box into my mini scrog for hash making. Ugh can't wait to get these things hashed out and the ones i dont need gone.

still waiting on my kessil =( i mean you would think they would ship it right away right? Who knows they said it'd be here within two weeks but im antsy as hell especially since they are close to me and the package would get here in two days after they shipped lol.

I think ill post up some vids of my plant in my sig flowering out to fill some space in the mean time til something interesting happens again in the veg box.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Ah kessil showed up a few days ago apparently ran it for the day yesterday. The damn thing didnt get hot enough to even bump the temps by a single degree i was so damn happy when i saw that. This thing is bright as all holy balls. So frustrated its got to go to my other spot soon then i wont be able to take pictures of it again for a while. Damn paranoid partners... So much for the thread i was going to make detailing the kessil grow lol.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Oh stealth desk is fired back up again, entered in party cup contest 2011 and got some skywalker x unknown and pre98 bubba x unknown in there, one skywalker cracked 2 days ago. yea lets get this party rollin.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
ah good an update hound even BETTER MUAHAHAHAHAHA looks like were gettin daily updates cuz i aint got SHIT to do ITS FRIDAY lol JK JK

but seriously now im goin for pics haha

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member

first two pics are of blue dream and jilly bean jilly is the one with the one big pooper thats taller. These are outdoor at my main spot right now these two are keepers unfortunately the jilly i have to revert or just buy another pack since they so stable im leaning towards buying another pack

the next ones are pics of the skywalker and pre 98 bubba seeds both crossed with an unknown, some oil i made from my partners purple amsterdam plant that got infested with caterpillars, unfortunate considering it was just filling in and we pulled 6 ounces of supremely premi bud lol coulda had a fat p if it finished out. then assorted pics of the desk and seeds in the cubes.


Diamond surveying this months new set of sisters that shes got to watch over, shes such a good dog but she gets a lil tired sometimes, maybe its all the smoking i do, i feed her a lot of stems too lol that might be it.



Well-Known Member
thatah boy hahaha

not gunna lie now i wanna get my solo cup challenge on :D lookin excellent!!!

an ya pup is a cutie! I have a weimeraner named charlie an he is a 90 pound lapdog who wouldnt hurt a fly :p Hes my right hand man

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
=) hahaha i also got a few more i gotta blue tooth to the comp right now i change the light setup a bit to give me more space and one of the skywalkers has cracked so i gotta get pics of that up, its much easier now that i can blue tooth the pics to my comp without having to do all kinds of crazy plugs and shit.


Well-Known Member
that was a halfass response lol i edited.

blue toothing pics eh? sounds fancy. way too fancy for me hahaha. I got my trusty digital cam that survived a fall down a 30 foot cliff while on a hike lmao. poor thing, nothin fncy bout it :p

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
haha your dog sounds much like diamond shes the biggest sweetheart in the world shes got a big mouth and loves to talk shit all day lol. Shes a character and yea she LOVES my lap lol. I love dogs shes the only girl for me that doesnt bitch about my plant habit lol she likes it.

digi cam survived a 30 ft fall who cares if its not fancy godzilla camera wins. Im takin pics on my phone rofl hence the blue tooth

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
ah another update for myles lol
alright so first pic us if the modified light mount i need to do some finalization on it its ghetto rigged right now, i need some mylar instead of tin foil and i gotta pick up some more panda from the other spot to line the walls now too its game time party cup style. then we got the damn skywalk with the husk that hasnt come off for 4 days that i almost killd already by accidentally ripping it out while moving soil around lol. The new rat pipe, love this thing its identical to the first pipe i ever smoked out of or owned when i was 17 and just started burning mom got it for randomly and didnt know what she was buying but apparently she can pick pipes as good as she can pick bubblers lol. She got me a headford inline for my birthday last year 160$ beast of a bubbler i cant believe she got it for me rofl then told me i could burn at the house without getting burnt so to speak. Next one is of OG#18 from reserva privada, popped out with purple cotelydons royal purple the leaf was kinda shadowed in the pic but you can still see it it just looks more brown for some reason. The last ones another top view of the light setup.



Well-Known Member
if you can, id try n split that husk with ur fingers n get it off. i've had plants that werent able to get it off themselves n it lead to damaged cotyledons. gotta be real gentle tho

thats one chubby rat hahaha. im diggin the new piece, you break her in yet?

the day my mom buys me a pipe will be the day you see a porker fly by your window hahaha. you lucky bastard :p

how are temps in the space with all CFLs on? an hoe do youcontrol smell?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
omg man smell well my room smells like dank anyways so i blame it on the bong and pipe lol, yea i broke her in yesterday it gets to 110 with all 4 bulbs on, i got NO fans right now. Im going to get 4 computer fans and use one for intake and one for exhaust on both sides so i can cool her down shes on oven right now lol. Yea imma get after that skywalker at ten when my lights kick on.

It took me getting arrested in vegas man, i used to get kicked out literally 2 times a week if i could manage to be home that long, all for smokin pot, and they never caught me doin acid or meth or any of the other really really bad shit i used to do lol. Now its just the gods good green gift for me and a beer every now and then. The funny thing is i have aspergers and ADHD and i would come how absolutely ripped roarin stoned out of my GORD and they would say were so happy your sober, then i would come home sober and get kicked out LOL this went on for years til i moved out and they accepted but didnt approve. Then i moved to vegas and got busted and that was the end of them thinkin i was just a pothead instead of s1 who actually got benefits from cannabis.


Well-Known Member
dam thats hot! fans should bring that down quite a bit :D an LOL at the smell. Id be fucked if I didnt have my carbon scrubber. In my old setup you could smeell the plants two stories down in the building before i started using a scrubber hahaha

does weed help your aspergers an ADHD? I had severe depression an anxiety that I was on meds for n once i found weed i took myself off the pharmaceuticals n even though i dont smoke daily anymore i havent needed meds since. It truly changed my life'

ironic r rents thought u were fucked up when you werent n vice versa :p figures right?