stealth dorm cfl sog 11 bagseed growlog


Active Member
okay ive grown once outdoors... one got eaten or something and the other turned out male. Hoping for better results this time

Growing in my dorm


Stealth SOG grow

-Date started- 3/28/08 (Now about 17 days from seed)
-Germinated in paper towel
-Soil: Miracle Grow seedling potting mix (i know, plz save it)
-Lights used: (4) 42W CFLs
-Cycle: 24/0 for first 2 weeks, 12/12 started 2 days ago.
-Currently using white paper for reflection
-Container: solo beer cups

I will have pics posted by tomorrow night as I am at home for the weekend. My neighbor is lookin after them for me right now. Hopefully he doesnt fuck them up.

The plan is to determine sex soon so I can ditch the males and have more room/light to go around for the bitches then start some clones in my neighbors room. No signs yet but slight preflowing at nodes. When i left Friday they were developing their 5th nodes (7 bladed) and hopefully when I get back theyll have the sexy 9 bladed leafs. There all about 6-7 inches tall and doin good, no stretching.

Oh and they are getting a little bit top heavy. Any suggestions? And should I start nuting/pruning at all? If so what do u recommend for nutes.


Active Member
yea noone knows except me and my neighbor and it was both our ideas so no worries. i trust this kid not to tell anyone.

I came back a little bit disappointed as they look a little stretched and the some of the leaves are rolled up like a joint. Here are pics of each individual plant.



Well-Known Member
Should get two cabinet prefabs from Major hardware stores and build a cabinet
attatch 2 of em together
(2 because you will have one for vegging and one for flowering
put doors on em with locks
make the doors look like drawers
install blank drawer faces on the doors
figure out your ventilation and lighting
wrap it in ply of choice
make it look pretty
stealth box
minimal construction


Well-Known Member
seriously that's asking for double trouble - school and police. and the school will sure as shit make an example of your ass if you're caught.


Well-Known Member
yeah...honestly dont do it.
this happened at our school last year when I was out that night, one of our good friends decided to use our room to smoke a blunt or two with his buddies.
so me and my roommate come home to see flashlights panning around our darkened room. we thought it was just RA's (so we decided we should break in n get our weed) but when we were running down the hallway a neighbor told us the cops were down there. pretty much one of the scariest times of my life.
Lucky for me my stupid buddy that got is in trouble in the first place hid all of our weed. I guess plain sight is the best place to hide it too, he put it on the table in his room and covered the baggy with a baseball cap.
cops tore apart his place too but never looked under the hat :)

When it comes down to it you have no privacy in dorms, the school is allowed to search whenever they want pretty much, even if they have courtesy enough to not do it normally. One sniff of bud and you could be done for.


Active Member
Going to go with everyone here, it's a very dangerous situation.

They own that dorm and have every right to search it whenever they'd like. What are you never going to go out and party? Back in college, My RA's would be able to search any room if they wanted to. Keep in mind, growing marijuana smells like, marijuana!! So smell reduction should be one of your top priorities.

Growing with x4 cfls in a dorm closet just seems like a lot more risk than what you are going to gain from it considering you're keeping them small.

If you're going to go through with it anyway, you're gona need to transfer them into bigger pots like now :) You have the right color CFL's for flowering?

Edit: And I just read the part where you said you have a neighbor looking over them for you ... it all sounds real sketchy i'd think twice about it


Active Member
I came back only to be disappointed. Madd stretching and some of the leaves are rolled up like the blunt i smoked on way down. Here it is the good the bad and the ugly
And ill post the setup once I get more much need lights........


Well-Known Member
You are not only going to get busted, but you will be expelled from school as well. A real dumb idea. Way too many people living WAY too close. Smell is going to be an issue, the fact that you will HAVE to leave the dorm for spring break as well. Kill the plants and at least wait until you get an off campus apartment, or you will be kicked out of that school fast as shit.


Active Member
Im listening to what ur sayin and obviously Ive thought about that already a lot. I realize its a bad idea but Ill just have to be careful. Im going to walmart today to get another lamp, some nutes, and a lock for the closet. As long as me and my neighbor smoke outside there will be no reason for authorities to search my room. They need probable cause. Inspections are already over and only once per semester. The only time they come in the room is when the fire alarm goes off and they check each room real quick like open and shut the door. So when the fire alarm goes off which it does like twice a month cuz drunk bastards think its funny to pull ill just shut the lights off in the closet etc..Also spring break is already over so I wont be worrying about that either. Heres some pics.


Active Member
wtf it wont post the pics? Hmm Ill try again...Some look good, some look bad. Here are the good ones....Still seem a bit stretched though.



Active Member
and here are the bad ones... The leaves are all curled up like the blunt I smoked on the way sucks.

Anyone know why the leaves look like that I tried to google it but I got like 20 different possible causes. They look like fuckin talons ahah. Is it worth keeping them or should i just can em? They're hoggin up all the light. I think I might need more drainage I didnt put any gravel in the bottom. i didnt think of it until later. Heres a pic of what I have for drainage as of now. Should I drill more holes?



Well-Known Member
Ok just saying as a student as also, dont grow in your dorm room. its bad enough some of your buddies already know. imagine the people they have told, and the people they have told. Just think about it like this, for every 1 person you know that knows about your grow, its more like 6. So you think 3 or 4 people know? more like 20 by now if not more.

I hope you take everyones advice and stop growing and just wait till you get a house or apt next semester prob. If not, than good luck and i hope it all pulls through.

But for your questions i would keep the plants, let it ride through and see how it goes. Do not lose hope so fast. and more lights i would think.


Active Member
Guys please stop telling me not to grow, cuz im going to anyways. Ive grown attached i cant murder my babies. Focus more on giving me growing advice please.

New problem: Found out what happened its the light cycle. These plants must be very confused. I left simple instructions for my neighbor 8am lights on 8pm lights off. When I came back the lights were off when should have been on. i turned them on and the leaves shot upwards and I had no idea why. Its because they had only been in darkness for 3 hours and when the light was turned on they were trying to get out of the light by shooting upwards and closing the leafs.....FUCK. Turned the lights back off around 4 and they went back to normal. wont turn back on until 4am. Now I have to deal with getting up at 4 in the morning oh well. Also i think since I am doing SeaOfGreen method I think Im going to just cut off all of the branching undergrowth to encourage a canopy of giant colas. But the question is whether its too early or not. PLEASE GIVE ME SOME ADVICE! thanks peace


Active Member
As a student as well and given the proximity of summer break coming i would say, veg for a wile and then find a place out side to plant them where you can take care of them during the summer. I doubt you will have time to harvest and dry before you have to move out for summer. Another Thing WORD TRAVELS VERY FAST ON-CAMPUS NO MATTER WHAT YOU TRY TO DO TO STOP IT.


Well-Known Member
If you switched them over to flowering TODAY, and they are obviously not ready for that, you would be looking at around June 13th harvest, give or take a week. Since your semester most likely ends around MAY 13th, what are you going to do with them when you are forced to move out and they are in the middle of flowering/stinking. I know you dont want to hear this advice, but getting thrown out of college for something you wont even be able to harvest is bullshit and stupid. Just take everyones advice, kill this crop, and dream of your next attempt when you have a secure place to grow. Just think of the money either your parents are spending or you borrowed in order to go to college. Worth wasting tens of thousands on an experiment you CANNOT see to fruition?

BTW, this advice comes from a college graduate, who knew about several people growing in the dorms, all of whom were caught. Some because of bad luck, others because they made it to the stage where the plants stunk the entire dorm to shit.