Stealth Dresser Grow (CFLs/Fluoro/LED)


New Member
Great job they look healthy +rep. How much money do the 68 watts cost? I wanna add a couple to my grow too. What kind of soil are you using?

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Flowering started on big girl on 12/16.

Germinated 5 random dank bag seeds over the past few days and all are now planted and sprouted.


Well-Known Member
1 week, thats a pretty good result time. I just started yesterday and Im already getting anxious.
Do you know how long your flowering time is going to be with the big girl?


Well-Known Member
My big girl is OFFICIALLY A FEMALE!!!!!!

Congrats on ur baby gurl!
I looked at mine again and it looks like my lil gurl is actually a gurl- I think I'll know definitely come Thursday!

Urs showed pretty quick! That's a good thing!
Good luck with the rest of ur adventures!

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Today I did a bit of Christmas shopping for myself. I built a small 3 plant hydro cloner, or it could be used for a single plant micro grow. I also stopped at the hydro store down the street and picked up some stuff I've been needing.

- pH test kit
- Cloning gel
- Fox Farm Tiger Bloom
- Fox Farm Ocean Forest

Pics of the cloner coming soon!

1 week, thats a pretty good result time. I just started yesterday and Im already getting anxious.
Do you know how long your flowering time is going to be with the big girl?
Between 8-10 weeks, unless I determine it's ripe before then.

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Here are pics from this morning of the girl and my new hydro cloner. Had the pump lying around the house so all in all it cost me around $10. I also picked up another bottle of FF Grow Big because I'm running pretty low.


Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Now that big girl is officially a girl I can give her the name I've been waiting to use. Big girl is now Sarah Palin. She got her first dose of Tiger Bloom today(2tsp/half galon).

I'm going over to a friends to drink tonight, so I took them out of darkness 2 hours early. I also took 3 clones from her, and have the DWC Hydro cloner up and running. For anyone interested, the cloner holds 80oz of liquid. I used spring water and added 2tsp of Grow Big to the water, which brought the pH to 6.4.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro you are going to burn your girl with 2tsp per half gallon!!!! Yikes you only want to use 2-3 tsp per gallon buddy,trust me FoxFarm is no joke and less is more.. I burnt my plants using too much to thought I'd give you fair warning and since you already did that I wouldn't feed again for a few more waterings....