Stealth Dresser


Well-Known Member
First, I guess I should say that this is my first official post on this forum, but I've done TONS of reading preparing for this project. This community along with a couple others have been very inspirational, and some of the ideas I wouldn't have come up with without the community.

You may notice throughout my project some borrowed ideas, and I will try to link and give credit where it is due.

A few weeks ago my friend and I got some bagseeds (about 14) and since it came from a batch that we really enjoyed, we decided it would be much more efficient to just produce our own, and down the spiral we go. I started looking into a PC case, but realized that wouldn't yield what we want; Then a filing cabinet, finally a dresser.

Sorry for the quality of the following pictures, they were taken with an iPhone. I'm still pretty early in the build, but I intend to have it done pretty soon.

I'm sure I'll have tons of questions as I go along (especially the actual growing) so please bare with me there. If anyone see anything I'm doing entirely wrong, I'd really appreciate any advice.

Started putting the drawers together last night, but it got late and I didn't want to piss off the neighbors.


I realized pretty quickly that board about in the middle wasn't going to necessary for support and I've removed it.
Oh, I should mention the shelf I've installed at the top is where all the electrical will go to keep it out of the box.


Board removed, more paint inside, wiring for lights installed. Don't worry, the bottom will be closed. =P

Updates later today!



Well-Known Member
I actually already have the lights, and the frame built.. The idea is that it will be able to adjust height with those chains (so that I don't have to try and move the plants up and down.

Also, retaining the ability to move and adjust the angle of the lights if necessary.

This is not entirely my idea, it is borrowed and I'll try to find the link if I can.

The light set up is as follows:

2700k - 5000k - 2700k - 5000k
5000k - 2700k - 5000k - 2700k

I know, the lights probably aren't the most ideal, and I'm open to changing them later.. This is what Home Depot had to get me up and running.


The lights alternate between


Well-Known Member
cool man i like the idea,personally i would put a 125w red hanging vert in the mid of all them bulbs and get a few PC fans for intake and exraction just to increase yeild that little more, but thats me :D. Have you thought about nutes and growing media?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering, what's the advantage of the 125w red vert? I went with 2700k and 5000k at the same time because I read that a mix of spectrum was a good idea during veg.. I'll likely take out the 5000k's during flowering.

I'm actually heading to the store today to look at some 120mm PC fans.. I think I'm going to grab the 3-speed adjustable ones so that I can control noise+temp dynamically (may need to crank it up more in summer).

No, I haven't made it far enough to think about how I'm actually going to grow my seeds other than soil for first attempt.. I'm open to any suggestions though as this will be my first grow attempt ever.


Well-Known Member
I mean if u did have a 125w red cfl have it vertical becuase u wouldnt be able to fit the light in horizontal with all the other cfls in there, it would really help improve yeilds its an extra 9000 lumens in there :D


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's quite a bit more lumens! I think right now I calculate I'm at 13,400 lumens.

The dimensions of the grow chamber are:
29 1/2" W x 39 1/2" H x 15 1/2" D
Sq.Ft: 8.09

I don't really know offhand what the lumens requirement is per square foot, but I imagine I might be on the low side.

Also, does anyone think I should implement any sort of LST? I'm wondering if 39 1/2" in height is going to be enough without hitting the lights.


Well-Known Member
The height is a little small but LTS would work great would really help with increasing yield as well but lumens per square for flowering ive read that atleast 7000 lumens per square foot for close to optimum , but you can flower with less, i have a 600w in a 100cm squared tent and im hitting 10000 lumens per square foot. i would recommend getting that light with it you would be getting around 7900 lumens per sqaure foot. :D


Well-Known Member
Well, I feel like I got a bit accomplished today.. but I'm starting to have some concerns.

I wanted this dresser to open from the back so that it wasn't so easy to just walk up and open it, and because the weight of the drawers would tip it forward if you weren't careful.

I'm pretty sure I can seal the front easily, but I'm wondering how I'm going to keep the back closed tight and airtight so that smell doesn't leak out. :shock:

If anyone has any ideas for keeping this thing closed, and a seal somehow that can be opened, please please advise.

Pic 1: Back view on side with hinges (seals pretty tight compared to the other side)
Pic 2: Front view of drawers (handles not installed yet, and haven't started light proofing)
Pic 3: Back view opening side (stays cracked open currently -- seeking solution)
Pic 4: Back door open (Painting and light-proofing to come)



Well-Known Member
I was considering a padlock as well, but the back board is kinda thin and wants to bend so I think there would still be a lot of room for it to leak.

I'm thinking maybe velcro the whole left side, with weather stripping on the inside, and a padlock? Comments?

Note: This dresser will be pushed up against the wall for the majority of the time, so that'll help, but won't completely eliminate my concerns.


Well-Known Member
Just for fun, I went ahead and snapped a shot with the lights in.

Remember: This is at maximum height, they will go all the way to the floor. :-P



Well-Known Member
Okay, I need to find the vets out there.. I'm starting to get a little concerned about keeping the back door closed. It all lines up, and if pressed shut the light seals out very nice with no weatherstripping installed yet. The issue is that the door is thin hardboard tries to bend open (the hinges may be causing this). I'm looking for the stealthiest solution that will provide a good seal all around the door.. I don't care if I have to install 15 magnets, anything to make sure this thing seals and smell/light doesn't leak out.

Any solutions? Please?

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Just a thought. go to home depot and get a sheet of particle board cut to the size you need, itll be thicker and sturdier than what you have but not so bulky that its noticeable against a wall. and for extra security about leaking light I use that black pipe insulation that has a slit down one side so you can put it around pipes. take that along the inside right up against the edge attach it to the walls ceiling and floor of your cabinet. once you shut the door it should completely block out the light. just a rough idea though


Well-Known Member
I dunno, I think this current door will work, I just have to find a way to seal it up. I think I'm going to try magnet cabinet latches.. Maybe two on each side and see if that will do it combined with weatherstripping all around.

Also, I'm just wondering if any of you have advice in regards to humidity.. The reason I ask is that I mounted my thermometer today to get an idea of starting humidity, and my apartment is currently at 36%.. How much will this go up with the plants? Or does it go up with the plants? Do fans increase/decrease humidity?

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Oh then basically same thing I suggested, should work brilliantly. It should increase and you want higher humidity 40 to 60 percent during veg anyways and under 40 during flower. Everyones is different depending on cfm of fans temp of lights etc. I would suggest puttin a house plant or something in there when its finished turn on the lights close it up and see what it does after an hour or so. should give you an idea of what to expect.


Well-Known Member
Soil: Fox Farm Ocean Forest

Yes, there is a 120mm Exhaust Fan, and a 120mm Intake fan. Both fans will be changed out later for higher CFM and lower dB.

Seeds: Bagseed, from a batch a friend and I enjoyed. Strain unknown.