StEalth Grow Alternativez ?


New Member
hey i was looking around and i happen opon this Sunlight Sheds Hydroponics Systems site .. there is a "pc planter" it looks like and is about as big as a computer but u can grow inside.. is there anything like this without the price tag? for 2k i could make a mini house in my back yard :mrgreen: is it possible to make something with a likeness to this ? mabe alittle bigger? would something like that contain odor/light/heat and even work ? aprox yeild for something like that? sorry about all the questions but i cant find any post's with anything like this.... closest i could find was a portable closet which is alittle bit to big


Well-Known Member
If you don't feel like spending 2k for something already built, i suggest you build your own then. Read the grow faq.. there are a few box designs that will help you out.
happy growing


Well-Known Member
Normal household furniture is all you need. An old chest of draweres a wardrobe it doesnt matter, you could even create you own little pc kt. I totalled that up and without all the xtras they throw in, just for the pc grow unit, i reckon i could build that for less than 100 bucks easy. Besides which having read your previous posts, the pc case isn't going to be the right system for you.


New Member
thanks for the help..... i think im going to go with a cabinet about 3'x3'x3' or as close as i can get to that..... put 2 holes 1 top 1 bottom
for venting 2 fans with a carbon filter should be able to fit 4 plants about... which should suite my needs perfectly... once i set that up ill move onto finding the right lights/seed's/soil and get started if there's anything u would like to add or change feel free ... this whole setup should run around 200 or alittle lower with all the seeds and everything


Well-Known Member
Check out my post in Indoor called First indoor grow in progress! or something. It has my box design, maybe you can get some ideas if you're looking for that size. My space is very similar to that.


Well-Known Member
remember that the light will take up about a foot of that space.. then the pots that the plants are in will prolly take up 8 inches.. leaveing you with some small ass plants that wont bud much.


New Member
yea that might be a problem.. but i thought .. why use a 8-10 inch pot for growing plants that will only end up to be 16-20 inch tops.. cant i just stiack to say... a 6 inch pot... leave about 5-6 inches for the light( put a steel mesh between the light and the plant(idea stolen :mrgreen:)) then leave about 2 ft for plant growth... with an lst method or something like it i could have a decent yeild per plant ?

ive seen lights like.. almost touching the plants how close is to close ?
( i like my room not burnt down :blsmoke:)


Well-Known Member
the steel mesh method you got from my setup is called screen of green. it is a form of lst and is almost required to see results in a space that we are looking for. some lights can be very close to plants especially floros and low watt HPS are ok also.


New Member
got any details u can give me ? ive seen it in the method's section... but i didnt understand/look into it..... i just thought the screen would be good so it wasnt lighting shit on fire...... i was planning on using lst whats the diffrence in this method... thnx for the help


Well-Known Member
you use the screen to pull the foliage under it so that you expose the entire stem to the sunlight. if the plant grew straight up, only the top portion would have nodes for potential buds, but if you bend the plant slightly, is sort of becomes like a flute, only the holes are new branches sprouting up. and every time the foliage begins to grow over the screen, you pull it back under and tie the leaves down with pieces of string to expose the new nodes to more light. does that make sense?


New Member
yes that makes sence to a point.. that just sounds like regular lst using the mesh as a marker ? it really has no use? the little branches would go right throu would tieing the plants down have any effect on the buds ? at end u take restrains off ofcourse ... i still plan to use it i guess even if it has little use


New Member
i think i get the idea...... so instead of tieing the plants to the soil/pot u tie them to the mesh screen then let them grow up ? so position the screen around 4-6 inches above the pot ? for a small setup in a 3 ft area

basicly its lst on the screen