Stealth grow any tips??


Well-Known Member
Thinking about doing another grow as i have done a couple in the past outdoors each time got shit yield 2 times it was northernlights cross haze. Anyways last year i picked up a couple of clones an indica and a sativa so i was told.

Just as i started to get buds in august 2nd week and i decided to dig a hole and put em in the ground as they where geting root bound lol i was using a black laundry basket lined with black trash bags so i went and dug a couple holes with a army trench shovel mind you for like an hour place em in the holes . they were looking decent size already the buds.

I come back a couple days later ripped raped robbed both holes empty dont know if someone heard me digging and saw me walking out or if someone stumbled apon them a week before or so before i put em in the ground.

Or if someone saw my bike next to a trail that kinda gets overgrown but sometimes ppl walk down it maybe they saw the bike laying down off to the side and started walking around listening being nozy could been just some older fart walking his dog. maybe a private plane from up above notice something and reported it.

Maybe the side trail threw bushes and thorns and growth that i walked threw to get to the flat field area created a path because i used the same way too many times.

Any ways im trying to find some solid advice to improve my chances of actually getting a harvest this year.

Im gonna be using fox farm ocean forest for soil strain is train wreck dont know what ferts ill need or when to use em if any ill also be using an old scoop away bucket which i believe is a 4 or 4 and a half gallon bucket .

I also plan on topping.
Sorry about the plants bro that sux, not proud of it but I used to go out looking for other peoples patches when i was young as a result i knew what not to do when i was growing. You have to be very careful going in and out most important pick your entry/exit point wisely and "ensure" its not obvious someones going in/out of there and never walk a straight line to your patch do not not use the exact path to the patch, you have to be ridiculously careful not to leave tracks or damage grass/bush not an easy task when carrying soil/water and things in and out. You should never be able to tell where you are going or where you have been. Leaving your bike lying around won't really work lol your lucky that was still there when you came out hide it well but not to close to your entry/exit point. If people can hear you digging you are not far off the path move further in if possible. I still lost a hell of alot of plants but thats the nature of the "Guerilla Grow". Think like a Thief , Good Luck brother.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Gorilla growing is no easy task. But if you get a few ladies some times you luck out. I once did a outdoor seed crop and lost em all to hurricane wilma and my dog. Mother nature can give you a good surprise or a messed up with one. Hike way the bfe out to a location. Tell no one show no one. I agree with ilikepot walk different paths to your spot. I'm using a spot I used before an second time. Works great fallen trees looks natural from above gets lots of sun. And you really have to look for it. I just found another spot like it. Scout your areas during the winter visualize placement of the sun as well. Good luck:joint:


Indoor is rediculous, But if you live in a state that accepts The sweet mary jane then you can try to either LED and CFL it or Go full boar and grow HID. HID in my opinion will grow the most but it also costs the most, Un less you have 400+dollars for some sweeet LEDs. GOOD LUCK:weed:


Well-Known Member
what do you mean superfox ur wasted I bet not planning on indoors at all. Ya the only thing I noticed was on my way out that last time after putting em in the holes was a kid on a bike passin by me on my way out on a main road I had saw a couple I know walking threw a cemetery I cut threw to get to the area and trail and I said whats up whatever drove pasted em. noticed a kid on a bike coming towards me and he looked up ahead at me and had a kinda of worried look on his face like nervous as he passed 2 days later shit was ripped. Anyways I don't when and how much of what to feed this plant so I can get a good strong plant and a good yield. The more times I go and check on this the more risk of it being ripped I would think. Also the color of the plant pot can make a difference if someone saw a bike parked and got curious and looked around walked around all they would have to see is something of a bright color that's plastic threw bushes or tall grass and walk up to it to see what it was. This time im using the normal buckets like years before and although this one is yellow in color and bright im going to be spray painting it green at the top half best ive found to camofluage your grow container army colors whatever. I though of setting up a game cam too but what would that do besides show a face of someone I might not know grabbing them . ive also found that in the early am 7-8am the lil punky bastards that normally would steal shit will still be sleeping and also in the evening like around 7-8 pm traffic slows down. I try to let nature water them but sometimes it don't rain for a week so you gotta go check em
Never grown in pots in my guerillas dug big holes and filled with potting mix and sheep shit pellets 2- 3 weeks pre-planting, hassle but having them in the ground reduced my need to water as much as they drew moisture from surrounding soil, If your not going to have to go in for a week or more to water you could put slow release ferts in the pot but if you do use them be very careful how much you use its a one shot deal but one less reason to go back in and they do appreciate it but obviously if you do go in more than that don't use them just nute the water. Yeah people sussing you is a sure fire bust you'll just have to be careful your doing the right thing early in the morning before the little punky bastards are up lol don't forget those old foggies walking dogs tho. Chronic Masterbator hit the nail on the head bro Go Deep, Tell Nobody, Show Nobody.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Sounds like the op needs a different location. Also sounds like a high traffic area. Ilikepot is right prep the ground. Buy a small strong shovel, even one of those military portable shovels work. Deeper you can dig the hole and fill with goodies the better. I shortened handles on a fence post shovel. Makes it a breeze. Its a lil more heavy though but... makes mass plantings easy. Get the biggest back back you can for soil and what not. Fox farm is good but pricey. For that price your better off throwing in black gold cow manure. Mix it with the native soil and epsoma it has the good beasties in it too. No sense buying expensive soil if there is a risk it could be ripped again. Tip if your water pH is high or the soil pH is too high. Get peat moss as it is naturally acidic should help to keep a nuteral pH. As for the watering if you want to visit less times. Mix in a hand full of water crystals "soil moist". Should help to keep it moist enough til you visit for maintenance.


Well-Known Member
lol I had a military folding shovel and the ground around the area is kinda a gray like looking dirt when its dryed out so ill prolly just fill the hole with some fox farm and leave it . there might be alil traffic I mean I had no problem for 2 seasons there im almost thinking that if I don't use the original trail at all and go in a different way I can have it less noticed. its only about 300 feet from where the last 2 ended up. What I need to know is how to maximize my yield out of one plant what nutes do I use to I top aswell iguana juice big bud juice?? what is the best way. I would like to produce atleast an ounce dryed
Everyone has favourite ferts that that work for their strain and methods, Id say read up on how, when, what and why plants use ferts mate its not that complicated then you can mix your own batches easily if you wanted or at least have a good understanding when choosing to buy one. I Don't see any reason you couldn't quite easily get an ounce out of a plant without too much trouble.


Well-Known Member
never have yet so im hoping with topping and nutes ill get a good amount. what I don't know is how much nutes this strain can handle some can handle more or less you know that's all im really trying to get at