Stealth Grow...Taking Care of My 88 Year Old Dad.


Active Member
The indica will be done before the sativa thats for sure. I have been doing all my grows under cfl and noticed that I have to add a week or 2 for full maturity. in week 5 and 6 of my cfl grows it seems that they just explode. You will see alot of pistils turn amber but keep your eyes on the trichomes for sure. you will see those little mushrooms get big and milky


I bought one of those 60/100x microscopes from radio shack. I can see the trichs but its very hard to focus and hold steady. Alot of people use these any tips? Also my hydro store sells a 40x loop would it work and be easier to hold steady? Burn One.


Thought i would post a quick update....indica/sativa day 50 flower 002.jpg007.jpg12/12 from seed 8 wks (indica)006.jpg all three still bulking up nicely. So far so good. These are the 2 i topped for 4 colas (topped left one 11/14 right one 11/9)008.jpg010.jpgone wk ago005.jpg003.jpg

Ok now i need some help. I'm out of smoke. Trying to decide Do i buy a 1/2 oz to get by for a few weeks or cut this lower bud off the indie011.jpg i'll let u guys decide.....Burn One.


Harvesting in stages is a good thing to do. The lower buds usually take longer to mature. I wouldn't say picking an immature popcorn bud off a plant early is bad in times of need. Many people even prune these early in flowering to focus growth on the bigger buds. The hardest thing to resist is smoking out of your harvest before curing. I recommend you keep the stash jar stocked until you have cured your harvest for 3-4 weeks. If you can resist the temptation, and you cure it properly you will be left with a lot of good bud.

technical dan

Active Member
I use one of those scopes. No real tricks to it you just have to have a steady hand. Adjust the focus slowly it can be hard to get it in a good spot because the surface of what youre looking at is not even.


Hummm....1st pic is this morming 2nd pic is 11/28 (Indica day 54 flower) beefing up. Checked trichs this morning 70% cloudy 30% amber quick change in the last few days. Wondering if i should harvest around the 10th.....Burn One.



Very interesting and just as i suspected....

Quote: By Uncle Ben
You guys should bookmark this as a reference......

Gonna take the time to repeat a discussion we're having on plant nutrition at another site, something which I've been preaching for years. Here are the posts:

UB opines:

- "Found the same experience HB, that every time I hit them with a high P food during flower, bang, there goes the leaves. I stopped that practice a long time ago."

REJ opines:

- "i just have to re post this one more time: from

Some of you may recall that I have long maintained that high phosphorus(P) fertilizers are pointless.

I also am a fan of Dyna-Gro fertilizers for container usage.

I was asked recently 'If high P fertilizers are so useless then why does Dyna-Gro make and market them?'

My answer was simply to have a product that people wanted, but that was just my opinion. I decided to ask the company (Dyna-Gro) about this. At first I got a very brief response from a representative that wasn't at all satisfying so I asked that rep to forward my question to someone responsible for deciding what their formulations would be. I ended up getting a response from the CEO. Here it is, I think you will find it interesting.


You are correct. We market a high P (Liquid Bloom) "believe" they need this. As you have noted, our Foliage-Pro does a great job start to finish. However, it is simpler to give the market what they think they need than to try to reeducate it. There is some evidence to believe that low N helps to convince a plant to stop its vegetative growth and move into its reproductive phase (flowering), but environmental factors are probably more important. P is typically 5th or 6th in order of importance of the six macronutrients. There is little scientific justification for higher P formulas, but marketing does come into play for the vast majority of users who lack any real understanding of plant nutritional requirements. Therefore, the market is flooded with a plethora of snake oil products that provide little benefit and can actually do harm. For example, one exhibitor at a hydroponic trade show had a calcium supplement with 2% calcium derived from calcium chloride. Can you guess what continued application of 2% chloride would do to plants?'

I hope this answers your question and am sorry for Zina's inaccurate response.

Dave Neal, CEO
Dyna-Gro Nutrition Solutions
2775 Giant Rd.
Richmond, CA 94806
800-Dyna-Gro, Fax: 510-233-0198"

Editorial comment - I've been trying to educate the cannabis forum community going on 15 years, and with every new crop of noobs, they fall for the same old snake oil crap....with such low N products ironically working against the grower because they WILL induce leaf necrosis, not maintenance.
....posted by Uncle Ben

Burn One......


I have indie i grew 12/12 from seed it's 9wks old. The trichs look to be about 70% milky/15% amber. My question is does anyone think she might bulk up some more or should i just chop i don't know what the typical time frame is on this 12/12 thing. I don't want to harvest too early but it's in a 5 gallon bucket taking up a lot of room in my tent. I would appreciate an opinion. Thanks......Burn One003.JPG006.JPG007.JPG011.jpg


Thought i would post an update this morning...
Indica 8 wks, Indica/sativa 8 wks,004.JPG008.JPG Indie 12/12 seed013.JPGbottom test bud off sativa019.JPG, tent is getting crowded020.JPG, little indie in veg023.JPG, another also in veg (topped for 4 main colas)026.JPG,sativa clone (from deaths door)003.JPG....I have decided to wait until Christmas day and and see what all the ladies in late flower look like. Feeding jacks classic bloom (10-30-20) every 7 days adjusting the dosage as needed (the sativa seems to be a little sensi-tive). Off to Burn One....
doing good there :joint:
are you going to harvest around Christmas? As long as there are no transparent trichromes and they've turned cloudy, you're basically ready imho. Then it's a matter of preference, a 50-50 cloudy/amber is a good rule of thumb. Personally I wouldn't even wait until 50% amber. In your situation I would harvest within a week at most, as I believe the cloudy trichromes will turn amber very quickly and I go for a head high mostly.


Yeah i got a loop and a microscope have been keeping an eye. Don't know if the indies will make it to xmas both about 60% cloudy now 10% clear 30% amber. The sativa will be alittle longer. Moved 4 plants out veg to the flower tent a wk ago anticipating harvest then the calyxes on the indies started exploding so i thought i'd give em a little more time. Damn tents packed.


I cut both the indies this morning the trichs were 80% cloudy. I feel good about the harvest for my first grow now i gotta get thru the cure and see what the yield is. The sativa (9 wks) 037.JPG is the last of the original 3 i started with and she's taking her sweet time. I'll be taking eleven plants to flower for phase 2 of this journal. I'll update with details and photos tomorrow. Burn One.



As i mentioned above I've started my 2nd grow and this will be phase II of this journal. In the last two months my Dad's mental health has deteriorated substantially which in turn has taken a toll on his physical health also. As hard as i try and despite a barrage of meds and doctors nothing seems to help. All i can say is alzhiemer's sucks.

With this in mind and the eventual outcome inevitable i decided to put this grow on the fast's what i got going:

Currrently i have 10 plants in flower 8 of which are all clones of the original 3 ladies i started with. Two i started from seed and have not shown sex. I converted my veg room to flower (light proofed/changed bulbs to 2700k) and will be using my clone cab for veg (i currently have two clones in there as a backup for the 2 i don't know the sex yet) so 10-12 total which i have room for and all are super healthy.

Soil Mix: FFOF w/these additives, vermiculite, perlite, alfalfa meal, blood meal, bone meal and hydrated lime. 3 gallon pots.

Ferts: Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro 9-3-6 & Jack's Classic Bloom Booster 10-30-20 (i'll use this at 1/2 strength in combo with the dyna-pro and adjust weekly).

Here's a few pics if you have any feel free to ask.



Looked at the sativa under the scope and loop for about 45 min this morning and decided to chop it. Christmas came early006.JPG. I lied i sorta chopped. There was a lot of whispy popcorn on the bottom so I'm gonna nute her up and let it go until i run out of room in the tent003.JPG. This is the last of the original 3 i started with in mid august. The indies are all in jars020.JPG.023.JPG I'll post the yeild on all 3 in the next 7-10 days hopefully...Burn One.


Wanted to post a update....looks like the total yield for the 3 plants will be somewhere betwee 6-7 oz. The 2 indies are jarred for cure (i'll only be burping a couple of times a wk now) and the sative is almost dry and i'll seal it up pretty quick and post the final weight for all. Doing alittle maintenance this AM so thought i would post a few photos of my indie i topped using UB's 4 cola method (7 wks old) she just showed sex....012.JPG019.JPG..this is a plant i grew from seed (it's the same strain as the one i just harvested after 2 mo. veg/2 mo. flower) first one i grew in MG and used very little ferts. It was healthy albeit some purple stems on fans. I Noticed that with the new ferts and soil the purple stems have not appeared 033.JPG and the stalk is 3/4" 025.JPG which is a 1/4" bigger than the sativa i just harvested after 4 1/2 months 028.JPG. As i mentioned above I'm letting the popcorn buds on the Sativa continue to grow. Fed dyna-gro at 18-6-12 three days ago and seeing some good growth 010.JPG...Burn One