Stealth Grower


New Member
Hi guys,

I'm from Panama where most of the weed is pretty bad so I want to grow for first time my own in the stealthiest way possible since Panama has some laws that are pretty rough on growers. Since most of my friends want these but I'm the only one that lives in a place without parents (still have flatmates but nobody enters my room ever) they want me to sell them part of the weed I'm growing.

I was planning to buy this stealth box :

P.S; I also save some money for a herb dryer, and the LED light for the box so I can maintain this stealth

But I want to have an opinion from you guys, what do you think? I can't build any box so I found this deal very tempting. I'm planning to grow just six plants and I wanted to know

If you have any information on growing in a grow box?

What other tools I'll need?

Is this the stealthiest way to grow weed?

Any stealth grower guide/ videos/ books you recommend?

The other thing is since I'm going to be dealing for only my friends which they won't know I grow the weed I'm going to sell I wanted to know if you guys have any recommendations on dealing the stealthiest way possible, videos, books, guides, own personal experiencies anything will help me!

I will be doing this only six times a year tops, don't want to go for jail for something I will do this little and is only for paying my tuition since I'm in college. I have no idea about taking the risk you guys make it look so simple and I want to have the final opinion and suggestion of you guys! So please help me, I'll be needing the money and right now I have enough to invest for the best equipment and that's it but next year I won't have the same luck so please help me!!!

And by last, I want to say thank you growers, I'll appreciate this a lot!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello blondish,

Right off the bat, do your friends know that you're setting up a grow in your home? The first paragraph makes it seem like they may know you'll have some marijuana soon, and thats never a good way to start. The first rule with growing in illegal places is nobody can know, ever. Also, growing in a shared home raises the stakes a bit more - what if there's an emergency and someone needs to get into your room? Or a fire starts anywhere and emergency services has to come in?

Those are just a few things to think about. Someone sees you doing something like this, theres a chance they will be super cool and not say a word and never expect anything in return. Most people are dicks deep down though, and they may tell their friends or even try to get some free weed from you in exchange for their silence ;)

*so be careful!*

Now that I got that out of the way!

The box looks nice, but im not sure what kind of a deal it is pricewise - Im just starting out myself, and I have just retrofitted my area to meet my needs. It seems like it comes with a good bit of equipment though, so the money they are asking doesnt really seem out of this world.

  • Lights - You will more than likely need to supplement the light they provide, but I could be wrong - I would just worry about your plants stretching since its set to the top of the box. Usually you want your lights as close to your plants as possible so they grow short and compact instead of stretching to reach it.
  • Grow Method -The box comes with a Hydroponic setup. Do you have any gardening experience? Hydro can be a tough way to start; after a failed start there I have switched to growing in soil and am learning quite a bit :) Everyone's different though, so you may start off great in hydro!
  • Environment - Temperature will be an issue for you either way you go, but it is more important in my opinion when growing Hydroponically. Is your house kept cool at all times, or does it get hot/cold from time to time? You seem to want to be in the mid-eighties range with temperature. If you grow with the Hydro setup and your water gets too warm, your roots rot out and your plants will die :( that was my problem!
  • Tools - Honestly, this will depend on how you grow. Apart from my plants container, the soil its in, and the nutrients I feed it I don't have many tools. I keep some string to tie my plant down when I LST it, and a utility knife. I also have a measuring spoon for my nutrients, and a container to mix it all up in and water the plant with.
  • Stealth - The box seems to be pretty stealthy, but will anyone wonder what a black box is doing in your room if they see it? Do you have a closet that stays cool that you could keep it in? Remember, out of sight is out of mind!
  • Videos - If you decide to go with a stealth grow, you will very likely want to train your plant. Start researching Low Stress Training (LST), Screen of Green (Scrog), and Sea of Green (SOG), FIM (Fuck I missed!), and Topping. I personally FIM my plants and LST them to keep them bushy, because if you dont they grow up pretty quick and very tall!
On a final note, please please please remember that money fucks everything up. EVERYTHING. It sounds good enough, wanting to sell some weed to your friends. What if they find out you grow though? Why would they pay when they could threaten to call the law? Money will always bring out the worst in people, remember that. Ideally, nobody will know you grow. Just tell them you have a hookup that deal only with you. A friend, a family member, some senile old man you met in the mountains. Whatever, just keep it a secret - this is not worth going to jail over.

Also I dont know how laws are in panama, but if someone relying on loans to go to college gets caught in America you get cut off. You cant qualify for loans, its hard to get a job, and it really messes up your life. This can be a really fun hobby, and it can save/make you a bit of cash if you do it right.

You have to think about it though. Is it worth the risk?


Active Member
Hi guys,

I'm from Panama where most of the weed is pretty bad so I want to grow for first time my own in the stealthiest way possible since Panama has some laws that are pretty rough on growers. Since most of my friends want these but I'm the only one that lives in a place without parents (still have flatmates but nobody enters my room ever) they want me to sell them part of the weed I'm growing.

I was planning to buy this stealth box :

P.S; I also save some money for a herb dryer, and the LED light for the box so I can maintain this stealth

But I want to have an opinion from you guys, what do you think? I can't build any box so I found this deal very tempting. I'm planning to grow just six plants and I wanted to know

If you have any information on growing in a grow box?

What other tools I'll need?

Is this the stealthiest way to grow weed?

Any stealth grower guide/ videos/ books you recommend?

The other thing is since I'm going to be dealing for only my friends which they won't know I grow the weed I'm going to sell I wanted to know if you guys have any recommendations on dealing the stealthiest way possible, videos, books, guides, own personal experiencies anything will help me!

I will be doing this only six times a year tops, don't want to go for jail for something I will do this little and is only for paying my tuition since I'm in college. I have no idea about taking the risk you guys make it look so simple and I want to have the final opinion and suggestion of you guys! So please help me, I'll be needing the money and right now I have enough to invest for the best equipment and that's it but next year I won't have the same luck so please help me!!!

And by last, I want to say thank you growers, I'll appreciate this a lot!!!

My stealth grow set up