Stealth Growing Box Help


Im planning on growing 1 plant and wanted to know of any good stealth boxes. I need this box to be pretty legit do to me living on a college apartment. I was planning on using a computer tower, but would that be to small? Im planning on growing Norther Lights because i heard it is the easiest to grow and it does not get to tall. Please share your creations and pictures would be appreciated. Thank's


Im planning on growing 1 plant and wanted to know of any good stealth boxes. I need this box to be pretty legit do to me living on a college apartment. I was planning on using a computer tower, but would that be to small? Im planning on growing Norther Lights because i heard it is the easiest to grow and it does not get to tall. Please share your creations and pictures would be appreciated. Thank's

do a search on here for pc case grows, you have to do some lst work with them, but it can be done. if you do go with the pc tower, make sure its a full sized tower, and get some foil insulation from lowes or home depo