Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW


Well-Known Member

I don't even own a PH meter or PPM meter. I plan to purchase one, just haven't gotten around to doing it. I did have to order more nutes from HTG and had to call them today because my digital ballast crashed. They rock there, they sent out a new ballast to me via two day shipping at their expense...who would do that? Thank goodness I had my CFL's laying around..
Thanks Longhorn. I have found the Hanna 98129 meter for $115.00 with free shipping, so far that seems to be the most commonly used meter and from what I can tell, the price of $115.00 is a damn good price too.

Are you still using the "Recipe for success" starter nutrient kit ??? I took your advice and I ordered that starter kit, have not received it yet but that is the nutrient kit I went with, maybe I'll have good luck with my PH and other readings using the same kit you used.


Well-Known Member
Yeah matter of fact, I ran out of nutes and had to order big bottles of each one of those. I sill swear by Technaflora. I also ordered Humus Acid which is a Technaflora product and I LOVE this is inexpensive and it buds are major fat and major huge.


Well-Known Member
Everytime I pull leaves, they get bushier and the buds get larger. Now I know they are supposed to do that anyways, but I think it makes a major difference. My opinion


Active Member
wow, looking good man. I thought i read that you were gonna put a screen up (scrog). must have been someone else. You believe it was the humus acid that made those buds eh. they are beautiful my friend. I am following your lead and hope to achieve something Whats up with gr33n he's still going isn't he???

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
im still goin...I'm 5 days into flowering some clones, Ill get pics up. I have been so busy cuz Im moving right now, Ill be in the new place this weekend so I gotta move the girls 2. I got 10 ladies flowering all mid sized. a couple big ones too.

Damn Long, those ladies are nice. Hopefully mine will look as good, I added in some fish emulsion to mine cuz I heard it works really well, but ughh that shit stinks, dont use it unless you are growing outdoor. smells like throwup and dirty diapers. Im gonna go look into getting some hummus acid tomorrow. Havent forgot about ur seeds. Ima get em out hopefully tomorrow or the next day.


Active Member
man speaking of seeds, i got my beans yesterday, i kept singing tom petty's "the waiting is the hardest part". but they made it across the atlantic.. alaskan ice, and chocolate chunk and some free samples, free ones are mostly sativa. Man i was so excited to get those, i didn't have anyone to tell. I knew you guys would understand. you know that


Well-Known Member
hey long, are you gonna do buckets next grow? and are you still using the sh for your small stuff?
Yep the exact way I am going to go. I ordered some Alaskan Ice seeds and some Strawberry Cough seeds to grow this next grow. Going to start out in my tubs and then move to buckets. Love this method...for me anyways.


Well-Known Member
man speaking of seeds, i got my beans yesterday, i kept singing tom petty's "the waiting is the hardest part". but they made it across the atlantic.. alaskan ice, and chocolate chunk and some free samples, free ones are mostly sativa. Man i was so excited to get those, i didn't have anyone to tell. I knew you guys would understand. you know that
Your damn right I know that feeling, my wife hates that I grow and that I smoke, but she at least acts excited for me so I get to tell her all the cool stuff and have her look at them..I feel your excitement. when is the big grow start date?


Active Member
thanks horn i knew you guys would understand, already in the test run of some bag weed. doing kinda well they are almost ready 4 nutes. gonna try a couple more germination and make sure i can succeed in that before i go to expensive seeds.. did you happen to see that white\berry it is supposed to be mold and pest resistant. that sounds perfect for


Active Member
got your big tomato bubble stones on order should be here wednesday. can't wait to see what they my buckets ready. i think i'm gonna do your method too. it sounds so practical...strawberry cough is what my wife wanted me to get but i talked her into chocolate chunk, when she saw you got strawberry she started yelling at me and is wondering why i'm not doing exactly what your doing like i said i was shes funny will have pics soon if you wanna see my test run...didn't see the point.. later guys happy growing...


Active Member
horn, whats the name of the place you got your lights and ballast. you said they treat you pretty good. i think you said hth.. not sure thanks in advance....


Well-Known Member
Hey Buckeye!!

Got my lights at HTG Supply on the net. They are awesome and their service is unreal. Awesome guys!!


Well-Known Member
got your big tomato bubble stones on order should be here wednesday. can't wait to see what they my buckets ready. i think i'm gonna do your method too. it sounds so practical...strawberry cough is what my wife wanted me to get but i talked her into chocolate chunk, when she saw you got strawberry she started yelling at me and is wondering why i'm not doing exactly what your doing like i said i was shes funny will have pics soon if you wanna see my test run...didn't see the point.. later guys happy growing...
Hey did you get your airstones?? Tell your wife that I will send her some Strawberry so she doesn't have to taste that chocolate stuff...LOL

I trimmed a small bud at the beginning of the week. No flushing yet, just wanted to sneak a try and I have to tell you the high is absoultely unreal. I have never experienced something like it. I love it, just nice and smooth and even had great taste. I am starting flushing tomorrow and gonna flush for 8 days to get them nice and clean. Then they are coming down in a flash....Very happy with this grow!!


Active Member
thats the orange right? nice, imagine when cured.... next time you do that i wanna come stones came...amazing like you said. thanks for the tip. so whats the total time from seed to now??

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
moved, ughhhh...only kept 2 ladies...week into hydro (warlock clone) one soil(top 44 from seed), ...nice looking soon.

So much going on that my grow stopped being priority. As soon as things start picking up again, in a couple months most likely, Ill have a tent and can grow more seriously. Im still happy with my results and thankful for all the knowledge ive sho

long, nice many girls did u end up with?... seeds pending...lemme know when you cut them down, save all your trimmings with crystals on them, (leaves and stuff left over) Im sure you already know, but I can tell you an awesome way to make hash...i made a lot. its the shiznizzle fo sho.

:peace: finally