Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW


Well-Known Member
you can do what you want man, im just giving a few points that may help you, no, probably won't, since you're not going to try, good luck with your stunts


Well-Known Member
Well I flushed the buckets today, changed to bloom nutes and had to get rid of that one runt I had. She was taken up needed room so had to get her out of there...was sad...hehe well now the lights will go down tonight at 7pm thru 7am. Time to flower!!!


Well-Known Member
Looking good so far and good luck with your grow. Just wanted to post that I'm also using the system. I have to admit I was very skeptical at first, but after 4 weeks, BAM, the shit just started to grow like mad. Next girl is also to be done with this system.
Like it, small, not too noisy, easy maintenance.

Mine is close to harvest, check it out.


Well-Known Member
those broads are about to start sucking up water. keep a good ammount of ph water on hand also some plants in bubbler systems grow faster then others causing other root systems to grow faster. this can cause some of your plants to be deprived of oxygen and actually suffocated. i would recommend adding another pump and a few more airstones. h202 in this system is a must. grotek makes a great h202. your yields will be very good

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
looking good longhorn, i like that turbo pump you got hooked into the 8 lines, that thing is sweet.

you should check into flood and drain grow trays and how they work, Ive been researching them and I might head that direction next grow. It looks just as efficient and 10x easier.

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
hmm i spotted some red pistols comin out of one, and what looks to be the start of some seed pods on the other ( the biggest one of course). We'll see if i have to chop 'im down... pics are kinda blurry, cuz my camera is a POS.




Well-Known Member
those broads are about to start sucking up water. keep a good ammount of ph water on hand also some plants in bubbler systems grow faster then others causing other root systems to grow faster. this can cause some of your plants to be deprived of oxygen and actually suffocated. i would recommend adding another pump and a few more airstones. h202 in this system is a must. grotek makes a great h202. your yields will be very good
if you are using organic nutes, using h202 is a bad idea, it kills off the good bacteria, if you are using nutes that came with the bubbleponics system then it is ok to use h202, but i wouldn't if you were using foxfarm or something similar.


Well-Known Member
I bought some Technaflora nutes the other day and I am trying them out on one plant before I decide if I like them or not. Also, I have a 4 foot long flexbile airstone that creates small bubbles as well as keeps the water rolling over. Each bucket only contains 3 gallons of water, so there is tons of oxygen and air moving in that bucket. I think you would all agree from the looks of my plants they are getting all the love they need. I have found flushing often and keeping fresh nutes is the key to my success. I prefer to spend more money to keep everything fresh every three days or so than to only flush once a week and have to refill all the time. My 2 cents anyways.


Well-Known Member
if you are using organic nutes, using h202 is a bad idea, it kills off the good bacteria, if you are using nutes that came with the bubbleponics system then it is ok to use h202, but i wouldn't if you were using foxfarm or something similar.
i did not know that. is that something you learned from a grow book or from experience? just curious:-P


Well-Known Member
technoflora rocks. i love the thrive alive b1 red. amazing for stressed plants during transplant. good luck with your grow dude


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was expecting to find some shock this afternoon from trying those nutes with her and I got nothing, seems she likes them. Of course, this girl was the one who started out so strong in the beginning as far as growth and I still can not stop her from growing. I even did a tiny trim on her and she is going 90 to nothing...Going to feed the others technaflora in the morning see how it goes!! Glad you liked the stuff also Cream!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm stalking this thread to death.

I'm using a system like the Stealth Hydro kits.. but it looks like you guys all went to buckets.... Oh well!

I'll post some pics of mine here in a few days. I'm sitting at day 7 right now on my first grow. I have 5 of the little tikes. :weed:


Well-Known Member
i did not know that. is that something you learned from a grow book or from experience? just curious:-P

well, i know that h202 kills bacteria period, weather its is harmful or not, so it will kill off any good bacteria in organic nutes

just think of it this way, you know h202 is working when you see it fizz up, thats because it's killing bacteria, not because o2 is disappaiting.


Well-Known Member
Therion I would love to see some pics, throw them up here.

I am going to post pics tomorrow. I can barely see the buckets anymore, these things are growing all over the place. I would post pics now, but they are asleep...

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
hell yah, sounds good Therion. Let's see some pics...what strain you growin? buckets are great, but a lot more work to clean them...


Well-Known Member
hell yah, sounds good Therion. Let's see some pics...what strain you growin? buckets are great, but a lot more work to clean them...
Got some seeds from a local grower. Supposed to be purple kush, but we'll see. 3 of those plants are from those seeds and 2 others are from some really good shwag I got last month. I didn't want to buy seedbank seeds uless i knew I could do it right.

I'm going to train the plants since my growspace is very limited. I have a 250watt MH sitting here, but due to heat restrictions I think my CFLs are going to be the better choice for my setup.

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
if you could some how find a way to use that 250w MH, that is your best bet for the vegging stage IMO. How big is your grow space?