stealth mini drawer o matic


yea well i just set a gom to grow planted in soil about a few days ago and it has been out the ground since yesterday but it has a mutant set of first leaves but i think that was my fault since i transplanted twice cus i didnt know what pot i wanted to use so anyway im using a 55wat 6500k cfl and a 23 watt 2700k for the first 2-3 weeks then i will switch too all 2700k and i have 162 watts of 2700k

also i will be using grow tek monster bloom later and some bat guano im using some kind of organic soil right now seems to work goof for bag seed i just grew before this and out of 2 plants both let theyre nuts anyway this is my setup im running 2 computer exhaust fans and no intake fans i went with gom cuz they stay short anybody with questions let me know i will update weekly



yea thanks i also have more gree-omatics and i have ak-48(MY BUDDY)

i also got bubblegummer and cinderella 99 hybride as freebies from the tude so i think i will be using those as my next grow........i want to know more about the c-99 so anybody with info let me know please thanks again


well heres a update im using ffof soil found worms and millipeds in my other organic soil i had but this is it at day 10 and day 12 since seed



ow and switched over from a 55 watt and a 23 watt to just 3 23 watt cuz they seem to be a bit cooler then the 55 and 23 together but with the top door closed temps reach 90 but when its open which i try to keep as often they are 72-76 with fan on i have 2 computer exhaust fans when its closed tht big fan is not in there but everything looks good now its starting to grow anybody input


its like 2-3 inches away seems good for me but since i have that fan blowing i could put it closer a tad bit which i will do right now
and they are dark green it look like it yellowing in the picture but its dark dark green......but its also on a 20/4 schedule since seed



heres another 2 day update it is still growing the cotyledons are yellowing up already i didnt think it should happen this fast but could it be since its autoflower?????and its looking nice im using ffof so when do you guys think i should start feeding??????????and i have monster bloom 0-50-30 from gro tek i have high n bat guano and high p bat guano thinking about going to pick up some more organic nutes but been lazy and just went down there with my best friend since he has a grow going and i dont really like going to a hydro shop all the damm time it makes me paranoid just being there lol.....also im not checking ph of water im just using store bought drinking water so please guys give me input weather its rude or not i understand tough love lol



day 16 since seed

yea well this is day 16 since it has been in the ground i have been updating this thread even tho nobody has been replying anyway heres my baby at day 16 its growing well.




yea well this is update day 18 since i have put the seed into the soil its still looking good i wish some people would post in my thread lol but its still looking dark green.....if anybody replies should i feed one watering of bat guano high p or high n?????



well im keeping this going by any chance someone actually cares to look in here lol but they showed a hair yesterday and today there was a few hairs but i dont feel like taking pics but the roots on this thing are serious they are starting to grow throught the holes on the bottom of the pot i will update with pics tommorow or the next day
If you've never fed her then a small feeding here and there isn't bad, buut she looks like she's growing fine i'd keep at what ever your doing... just make sure you don't over feed



yea heres a pic of her and yea i never feed her anyrthing yet....she is looking good showing hairs

If you use no nute's then you don't need to flush... plus if you use organic soil then you can say you babies are all oragnicly grown, but using nute can increase your yield


actually i want to use gro tek monster bloom and i have bat guano also high n and high p and im using fox farm ocean forest soil but yea im hoping to pick up a 150 watt hps today but im not sure the guys being kind of shady but yea i know about flushing but i was jusyt wondering if i should feed
I would feed them, but i also am new to this hobby... so you might want to get your info from someone else... if you do end up feeding go light since they haven't been fed


yea i know i was thinking about feeding a bit but this soil was supposed to feed for like 30 days and i replanted into this soil after the 5th day so i figure wait one more week to feed thanks for your reply and i guess i was over watering at the beggining because i read that i should wait till the plant becomes a little droopy and then water but i have been waiting to water its litrally been like 4-5 days since i watered and i think i will water tommorow tho lol lol

i just picked the 150 up from that guy it looks new i cant wait till i have it setup and running im still gonna use some cfls for extra side lighting

well heres a pic of the new setup but im gonna only use the 150 and then im gonna switch too a few cfls also but i think the hps is enough for now???????temps are around 78 open and about 82-84 closed this little sucker gets hot
