Stealth pc case grow


Active Member
Thanks man, I am pretty pleased with the results so far. This is my first indoor grow and I haven's killed them or done any serious damage so that is good.


Active Member
So far so good, the plants are finished their growth spurt and are starting to really fill out the bud sites now. The clones are coming along nicely, I am going to top my clones and force flower the bagseed plant to see what it is. I have heard that you can tell male/female plants by how the branches are coming out of the main stem, I thought the only way to know for sure is to flower them and see what you get.



Active Member
I have heard various complaints about light penetration when dealing with cfls. I was looking at the plants and the amount of light reaching the lower buds and it looked like there was a fair bit of light there. I will need to get a light meter to know for sure but it looks like the white wrap in such close proximity to the plants is doing a great job in getting decent light distribution to the entire plant.