Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox


Active Member
So it's been awhile since I've shown the girls off and they are doing amazing. I fed them some nute with a very small amount of superthrive a couple days ago and they are loving it. They needed a watering today and I snapped pictures of all of them. Well at least I thought I did....I forgot Victoria....I got distracted by a very nice looking bowl I packed and just didn't get the picturesbongsmilie...well next time. :lol:Anyway everyone has some sort of LST going on except for baby girl and I just felt she was too small to start the LST and she needs a transplant. Both Baby Girl and Youngin are going into their final pots new home (given to a friend who has helped me with this project from the beginning) on Sunday. I am going to miss them but I believe they will love their new home and turn out great. Well here they are let me know what you think!!! :bigjoint:

Mary is a nice and bushy....not very tall but has a ton of growth every. She is responding the best to the LST.

Jane is number 3rd in line in strength but is growing great non the less.

Both Baby Girl and Youngin are growing strong but need the transplant to reach their full potiential. Wow ok sorry blabbing haha:eyesmoke:




Active Member
this plant looks to me as if its reaching towards the lights. Make sure to rotate and move those pots arround good in there and make sure you have enough lumens per sq ft (2000 per sq ft minium and 3000 per sq ft at best)

Thanks for the input...ya I had a little bit of stretching on the two smaller girls (Baby Girl and Victoria) because they were started behind the main girls. When I had to adjust the light for Mary, Jane, and Victoria and when I did I cause a little stretching in the other two. They are all adjusted to be about 2 or 3 inches from the light right now. Thanks again



Active Member
OH NO!. Well by what i can see in the pic I would say either over fertilizing or bad PH leaning towards the bad ph. Do some testing flush if nessesary and make sure you have a good PH. Heres a website with some nice plant problem info.

Thanks for helping out and given advice

I just checked the PH and on the two girls giving me between a 6.5 and a 7.0 which is what I want right? So could the nutes be so locked up that it's doing this? Damn this sucks:cuss:



Well-Known Member
Give them an excess of water making sure they are able to drain well. Dont give them any more neuts and I would keep useing just distilled water (good ph, no chlorene or other bad chem) untill a week after they have bounced back.


Active Member
Give them an excess of water making sure they are able to drain well. Dont give them any more neuts and I would keep useing just distilled water (good ph, no chlorene or other bad chem) untill a week after they have bounced back.

Thaks for your help. I cut off all the hurt leaves on both Jane and Baby Girl. I also preformed a flush on both of them. Hopefully that'll do the trick. Here's some pics of the damage...but I don't think they do justice cuz it looks really bad in person. ANy other ideas on what it could be?:-?




Well-Known Member
Yeah in person it would be easier to diagnose. I am not sure how much water you added to flush them. The figure you will find that most people use is 4x the container size in water. So if its a 1gal container you need to wash 4 gal of water through that soil. However less has worked for me, when I used to use dirt and I had an issue I would water the plant with enough water that i would form a 1/2 in or so deep pool in the top of pot, let it drain out then a few hours later fill it up again and let it drain, I would do that 3 or 4 times that day and then wait and see. If in a few days they bounced back there next watering was just water and a 1/4 or 1/2 strength soultion the folowing watering. Goodluck and try not to let small setbacks get you down too much.


Active Member
Yeah in person it would be easier to diagnose. I am not sure how much water you added to flush them. The figure you will find that most people use is 4x the container size in water. So if its a 1gal container you need to wash 4 gal of water through that soil. However less has worked for me, when I used to use dirt and I had an issue I would water the plant with enough water that i would form a 1/2 in or so deep pool in the top of pot, let it drain out then a few hours later fill it up again and let it drain, I would do that 3 or 4 times that day and then wait and see. If in a few days they bounced back there next watering was just water and a 1/4 or 1/2 strength soultion the folowing watering. Goodluck and try not to let small setbacks get you down too much.

That's def a good way to go about it lol. I flushed Jane and cut off all the hurt leave. She now looks like a twig with all the older and larger fan leaves removed...hopefully she'll recover nicely. Thanks for the encouragement. I got some new nutes from HD today for flowering and another to replace the shitty miracle-gro all purpose plant food with an NPK of 20-20-20. I haven't herd good stuff about this and already ran into some nute burn issues so I am switching to some schultz.

Some bigger news (and happier lol): NEW BOX CONSTRUCTED.
I finished constructing a new box that will be a starting area for new girls and a mother room that I can stash a girl in VEG mode so I can take some clones. I will also be starting the clones in this area too. THe measurements are 2'6"L, 1'3.25"W, 3'1/2". I am running CFL in this box as well and I have a total of 8 bulbs that have a total of 114 watts. four 27 Watt, Two 30 Watt and two 23 Watt (had to save some money somewhere lol) I will post pics of this set up along with the main group of girls later in the week. THanks for all the help guys.



Active Member
Ok first off I know it really isn't the first for the title but the 26th is when I took the pictures so I am going to keep my records current. Don't worry I am going to take some current pics with an update soon. Hopefully tomorrow morning. I am stoned right now hahabongsmilie:mrgreen:

Anyway the girls overall are doing ok. Not great because there seems to be some small problem here and there on all the girls. I am trying to figure out what each problem is for each plant but have been having troubles. lol. I took some pics which should help with figuring this out lol.vThakns guys for checkin it out and don't be shy to leave a comment lol:weed:

Mary: Is doing great overall. IS super bushy with a lot of new growth and is responding to her training very well. She is showing multiple bud sites already, or what will be bud sites lol.

She does have a little problem but I can't seem to figure out what it is.

This is Mary's top most cola which is doing good. But on all her fan leaves that are shown in this pic have a lighter green then the rest of the leaf. This pic doesn't show it well because the camera made it look all the same lol. Any iidea waht that could be?
Lightening of the the edges of the fan leaves on the top cola from a dark green to a light green?.

This is also on mary but I believe was only one smaller leaf. Not sure if it means anything in the big picure ya know. It has browning smuge like dots that have a whiter tint that the picture doesn't show well. Anyone know what this is?

OK so I don't want to make these post insnanely long so I'm juist going to stop here and start a new post lol.
Rememrer to not be shy lol.:bigjoint:


Active Member
OK back to the action lol.


Still struggling from the ph problem:-( and seems to have some defficency that was either caused by this or is completely random and some nute is def by natural means lol. THe ph symptoms have not gotten any worse and even been morstly corrected with some good old TLC and a good flushing haha.

A birds eye view can show you the yellowish edges of some of the fan leaves. Any ideas?

A close up some of the damage.


DOing quite well considering everything that has been going on with everyone else but she does have her far shair of problems.

Training is showing that it proves to do it lol....can you say future bud sites. I counted about 8 or 9 I think. Some were hidden in the pic.

THis is Victorias little bit of hurt. Only a small amount of it and only on a few leaves. Any ideas?

OK wow that was long. More to come.



Active Member

Doing well but def is ready for a transplant. SHe is responding very very well to her training and just got a new bend in these pics lol. Just gotta bend her over....i know sounds bad but thats really what you gotta do lol:weed:




Well-Known Member
lookin great man, i dont know anything about plant problems. have you checked the FAQ? or maybe post your pics in the plant problems forum, theres gotta be someone on there that can tell you whats going on.
but damn, those plants are reacting great to the LST. cant wait to see some buds.


Active Member
lookin great man, i dont know anything about plant problems. have you checked the FAQ? or maybe post your pics in the plant problems forum, theres gotta be someone on there that can tell you whats going on.
but damn, those plants are reacting great to the LST. cant wait to see some buds.

Thanks for checkin in lol. I did check out the FAQ I just want a second opinion on what I think the problems are. Just don't want to jump the gun and give them shit they don't need. I am new at this ya know lol:neutral: I know they seem to be doing great with the LST...I am really impressed. Well here comes amother update...with todays pics lol



Active Member
Ok everyone seems to be doing ok. I say ok because all the girls seem to be def in some areas. I Posted a thread with some pics of the problems in the plant probems section. heres a link to it

Ok on to the show....picture a lot for you guys today.





Baby Girl


Seems to be doing great even though she is limited in the smaller pot. She is going to need a transplant here soon but I don't have room lol and am waiting for the new box to be built for her. Once that is done she'll be getting a transplant.

Well how's that for an update. GOT PICS lol. :hump: Well hope everytone likes and make sure to check the link if you got any ideas on some plant problems. Thanks and leave a comment if you feel so inclined. Peace for now

A couple questions though

How long should I keep in Veg state? Basically when should I switch to 12/12? Soon or wait a week or two?

Will the LST work while I switch to flowering?



Well-Known Member
Have they bounced back at all or still haveing issues?? From what I can see in the pics 3 things come to mind. One being nutrient Solution Burn, another being heat stress or finally A PH issue.


Active Member
Have they bounced back at all or still haveing issues?? From what I can see in the pics 3 things come to mind. One being nutrient Solution Burn, another being heat stress or finally A PH issue.

I am leaning toward ph mostly. It seems that most of the time it is this first and then a nute def because of the lockout. I flushed them once but seems like it worked a lot but not enough. I will check the soils ph either tomorrow or tuesday. Thanks for the help.
