Stealth Rubbermaid Vegging Area w/ Pics


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, hope you all are feeling good like me. Nothing like enjoying your own smoke, especially while Aqualung is on in the background :P After my first harvest ever, I'm eager to try new things, and hopefully get a harvest cycle going. The only problem is that I've only got 1 closet to work with. After much surfing for cfl and Rubbermaid setups, I decided I was going to built a CFL Rubbermaid box. It was much easier than I thought it would be, even with the electrical work, which is why I was hesitant to make a box (don't want to burn the place down while I'm at work.) I have 12 clones that I plan on Vegging until my current plants in the flowering closet are done. Here's a list of materials:

2 x 100L Rubbermaid bins w/ hinges
1 x bathroom vanity light (3 sockets)
1 x 3 Meter length of wire
1 x Heavy duty plug w/ ground
3 x T light socket splitters
6 x 13W Daylight spectrum CFL bulbs
2 x 120mm computer fans
1 x AC/DC converter w/ voltage adjuster
3 feet Visqueen plastic

With the limited space that I'm dealing with I've been looking into the Topping technique, it seems to give the best yield while taking up less space than just letting them grow like last time around.

As for the strains, all clones are White Widow and Master Kush. Since I was lazy and indiscriminently chopped from both plants without labelling the cutlings, its gonna be a few weeks before I'll be able to tell whats what.

Tips/hints are most welcome!

Don't forget kids : Ash says, Smoke That Shit!



Well-Known Member
i have similar setup except im only using 1 bin and I have a mixture of 23w and 14w a total of 125W of daylights. About 8 inches away from light. and i have 8 LA Cons and 1 Diablo OG in 6 inch pots. Growing really nicely... nodes nice and tight... I would def. increase lighting maybe getting 6 23w. and move closer to plants... GL!


Well-Known Member
i have similar setup except im only using 1 bin and I have a mixture of 23w and 14w a total of 125W of daylights. About 8 inches away from light. and i have 8 LA Cons and 1 Diablo OG in 6 inch pots. Growing really nicely... nodes nice and tight... I would def. increase lighting maybe getting 6 23w. and move closer to plants... GL!

Hey thanks for the advice. I'm definitely going to get them closer to the lights, gotta love the easy fixes ;P I agree with you on upping the wattage too, though since I'm using is for vegging only, I was gonna see how they grew for a while first... monitor node length and then see about getting bigger bulbs.


Well-Known Member
Lookin great!!!

I was planning on doing a rubbermaid for my very first
indoor grow.

Where did you buy your socket splitters?
I didn't know the exact name of them when I went to
try and find some so I didn't have much luck...

The Home Depot people had no idea what I was talking about.

and how much were they each?
and also, where did you get your AC/DC charger thing?


socket splitters are usually in the electrical section of home depot for like 1.50. real cheap. they are also known as lightbulb Y splitters.

How exactly do you wire computer fans? I tired once using the same method as what i did to wire my light fixture and it flew the fan up.


Well-Known Member
thank you.

Computer fans are actually easy to wire.
Just wired about 6 of them a few weeks ago..

I used DC chargers for cell phones.
You strip the cord on the charger, and you will see
little wires. (Red and Black)

Just wire the red to red and black to black from the fan to the charger.
Tape up with electrical tape, and plug it in.



New Member
Nice man i'm thinking of a stealth grow myself. I was thinking of either a 17 or 26 gal tote for the grow like yours. Has anyone here grown in a similar tote with a 150W HPS? I'm thinking of vegging a rooted clone for about 2-3 weeks, LST as well. 6x26w CFL's-6500k Then flower with the 150W HPS. I also found a couple window fans w/ 2 blades, which can do either intake or exhaust... Exhaust blowing out into my room, and possiblly might have duct in air from the window... This grow would be in the fall/winter so the air would be nice and cool/cold...Any feedback would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
so im a total noob here, but I was thinking of doing a rubbermaid setup similar to this... Ive been reading thread after thread for days so as not to sound retarded lol, so here goes... the stealth concept is of the utmost importance since im in a small appartment with not much closet space... so this rubbermaid setup seems perfect... I was studying your pics and have a question or two lol... how tall is this setup with 2 crates? reason I ask is to see if I should stack 3 for a seperate flowering box or if 2 would be tall enough... probably only 2 in flower at a time but it doesnt seem all that tall lol... also will cfls work for flowering or do i need to have HPS for this? like I said im noob here so please be nice lmao... any help would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Nice man i'm thinking of a stealth grow myself. I was thinking of either a 17 or 26 gal tote for the grow like yours. Has anyone here grown in a similar tote with a 150W HPS? I'm thinking of vegging a rooted clone for about 2-3 weeks, LST as well. 6x26w CFL's-6500k Then flower with the 150W HPS. I also found a couple window fans w/ 2 blades, which can do either intake or exhaust... Exhaust blowing out into my room, and possiblly might have duct in air from the window... This grow would be in the fall/winter so the air would be nice and cool/cold...Any feedback would be greatly appreciated
I've got a 250 HPS for flowering in a closet and it gets pretty hot. If you want to put an HPS bulbit in a rubbermaid, I'd say pickup a cooltube for it. During vegetation I don't really get a smell from the plants so I exhaust the air right into the room that its in. If you want to flower in a rubbermaid, you'll need something to control the smell, like a filter on the exhaust, though I myself don't know how to set one up using computer fans. I bet someone else has done it though, its probably just a google away ;D


Well-Known Member
so im a total noob here, but I was thinking of doing a rubbermaid setup similar to this... Ive been reading thread after thread for days so as not to sound retarded lol, so here goes... the stealth concept is of the utmost importance since im in a small appartment with not much closet space... so this rubbermaid setup seems perfect... I was studying your pics and have a question or two lol... how tall is this setup with 2 crates? reason I ask is to see if I should stack 3 for a seperate flowering box or if 2 would be tall enough... probably only 2 in flower at a time but it doesnt seem all that tall lol... also will cfls work for flowering or do i need to have HPS for this? like I said im noob here so please be nice lmao... any help would be greatly appreciated
Hi jiggyfly, dont worry, all your questions are relevant haha. Its easier for me to remember content that I left out in the original post when people ask specific questions.

The dimensions of my setup are as follows:

33" Tall
32" Long
18" Wide

Just remember to allow for a few inches at the top, since the lights will be hanging down inside.

Iv'e read of people flowering with CFL's and getting pretty decent results. I think they will have to use a different light spectrum than for vegetating though. The majority of the time though, I've noticed that the buds aren't as tight or dense as when you flower with an HPS. Referring to the comment above, I bet an 150 HPS with a cooltube would work great.

I just checked the height of the plants that I have in my flowering closet, and the tallest one is 23". This is after vegetating in the rubbermaid to about 18-19", so they didn't grow vertically that much, they'll be harvested next week too ;D


Active Member
Take a look at my storage bin grow... it's a couple bucks more than a rubbermaid bin, but no light escapes at all. I'm using 8x 23w cfls and the temps are fine. I have a diy carbon filter on a 4" duct fan and everything. It's working great so far. Also, if stealth is important, you can do 24hrs of light for autoflowering strains... supposedly the lemon skunk variety doesn't smell much at all until you bend/cut it.
There's a huge autoflowering thread in here with a TON of info on them.


Well-Known Member
The dimensions of my setup are as follows:

33" Tall
32" Long
18" Wide

Just remember to allow for a few inches at the top, since the lights will be hanging down inside.

Iv'e read of people flowering with CFL's and getting pretty decent results. I think they will have to use a different light spectrum than for vegetating though. The majority of the time though, I've noticed that the buds aren't as tight or dense as when you flower with an HPS. Referring to the comment above, I bet an 150 HPS with a cooltube would work great.

I just checked the height of the plants that I have in my flowering closet, and the tallest one is 23". This is after vegetating in the rubbermaid to about 18-19", so they didn't grow vertically that much, they'll be harvested next week too ;D
thanks for the help man your awesome... I will probably only do one or two plants at first just all in one box setup, try to get my hands on a 150 HPS cooltube see how things work out... then hopefully soon I can stack 3 high and get a small cycle going... thanks for the tips lol Also... is 6 23w cfls too much for just one plant... or should I take a few bulbs out for my first run lol, and where did you get those containers... I cant find any with hinges LoL

Take a look at my storage bin grow... it's a couple bucks more than a rubbermaid bin, but no light escapes at all. I'm using 8x 23w cfls and the temps are fine. I have a diy carbon filter on a 4" duct fan and everything. It's working great so far. Also, if stealth is important, you can do 24hrs of light for autoflowering strains... supposedly the lemon skunk variety doesn't smell much at all until you bend/cut it.
There's a huge autoflowering thread in here with a TON of info on them.
theres a ton of good stuff in there thanks man