stealth shipping?


Well-Known Member
Thats a whole new idea bro....
can drones carry bags of about 200 pounds.
no clue should check back with my military connections but I am pretty sure they can.... at least those from military..... they need also to get rid of shit often as far as I know.

Lets use what works imo

Peace and spread the love


Well-Known Member
just like a heli evacuation, only stealth.

send the cleaner.
Sounds like a good deal.... you could do without the stolen car that way.... was always a weak point if it wasnt the victims car...

Yes fuck the cleaning team is the expensive part always. They charge a lot 100 bucks and more thats outrageous


Well-Known Member
Hahaha seems like somebody removed my mafioso post on page one.

Was just a joke lol dunno who took it serious enough to remove it looool

Was part of a movie called snatch.

Peacr and love


Well-Known Member
Any one care to post there idea of stealth shipping method?
what are we talking

i need to know material u wish much .......what packaging is it in originally ....where it is going

i know methods of how to do alot of bad stuff along this line
at major weight only way to do it is a car train 400 600 lbs (can go higher but then u are into van rentals )


Well-Known Member
Let me chime in from personal experience.
Shipping is all dependent on Country of Origin and Country of Destination.
Some countries have certain laws on imports.
Domestic ( within the same country) needs very little stealth.
I have shipped Domestic and International and to the hardest import countries ( Aussie, NZ, Russia).
I can give you a rough guide , but giving out exact information is a BIG no no.
BIG BROTHER is always watching hence why I am behind some very good OPSEC security.
1. Make it look real.
- Make sure who your sending to is using they're real name or the name at the drop. Package
don't get delivered alot of the time.
2. Decoy.
- Have a decoy item such as a birthday card and say some candy.
3. Hide IT!
- Make sure yo hide it inside of something etc
4. Lookup country import restrictions.
5. Use a drop return address for obvious reasons
An example of something I have used to Aussie.
(I do not use it anymore hence why sharing)
For smaller amounts I would ship a handwritten card with a Chocolate bar (Aero in this case) that has 0 nuts or thinks like that due to import restrictions on said products.
I would carefully unwrap the chocolate bar and make sure I did not tear it.
take out the chocolate and breaking off the bottom and the top and take out the middle.
I would vac seal the Product in small vac bags that would fit inside.
Can get 10g inside one. Now
Place the bottom of the chocolate back in the package then the product then the top of the Chocolate to conceal it.
Last part would be to heat seal it.
Using tin foil over the wrapper and an iron on low setting for 10 seconds.
Brand new.
Ship it and decare items inside of low value.

has worked everytime.

As for bigger packages.

Thats would be PM only.