Stealth tips for growing to sell, my goal is to produce about 8-10 pounds every harvest


New Member
I have a country house that has no neighbors, no cops come out and as far as i can tell never have seen police choppers/planes though i do live next to a airfield so i do see planes but thats usual. I am concerned obviously on getting caught becoming a felon and serving time. How do i avoid FLIR/Thermal imaging? And will the electric bill be noticeable? I am willing to live electronically like a Amish person to stay more hidden.
Thanks in advance everyone for the help!
Ummmmmm maybe a little optimistic for expections based off the questions your asking. Maybe start with a few beans under 1 light before you make such an investment
Ummmmmm maybe a little optimistic for expections based off the questions your asking. Maybe start with a few beans under 1 light before you make such an investment
I have a great job and im completely financially stable and independent. In my humble opinion I can fail and take financial losses as long as im learning and getting better. I've sold it for years and am ready to take a leap into unknown territory my only fear is jail time and losing my right to own firearms. Money is of no concern at this point but i do appreciate your reply regardless if it was off topic!
FLIR can only see surface temps. If you have a room full of lights and you ventilate the heat or cool the space then its the same temp as a normal house. FLIR is usually most useful with loft grows in uninsulated houses, its not like an xray.
Hot air doesn't register with FLIR, it has to have mass to show temp difference.
If you vent though something that should be hot like a disused chimney then its not an issue. If you vent through a window then it stands out.

But if your trying to grow 8-10 pound a month then yes your electricity bill will be very high.
You would need a lot of space.
Can you even shift that amount of herb?

If you cant do the time don't do the crime.
8-10 pound a month is commercial and you should go down that route. If you dont have the experience either buy it or start smaller lest you cause fire or the cancelling of your civil liberties within your state.

What flir sees or dosent depends on a number of things but us small growers are not visable anyway so we nay worry about heat signatures. 8-10lb a harvest will produce heat signatures and the experienced will use a drone with flir and do many passovers to ensure no signature from the grow is given - cartel trick.

Good luck but i cant give much past basics on that size :-)
I have a great job and im completely financially stable and independent. In my humble opinion I can fail and take financial losses as long as im learning and getting better. I've sold it for years and am ready to take a leap into unknown territory my only fear is jail time and losing my right to own firearms. Money is of no concern at this point but i do appreciate your reply regardless if it was off topic!

If money isn't a big deal and you want lbs, but are worried about getting caught... Buy a few acres and grow outdoors. Lots of cover crops you can use, greenhouses aren't illegal, and produce stands are a solid front.

Once you get growing down, it's easy to pull 1-2 lbs per plant outside.

Whatever you do... Stay frosty.
Your goal will be very hard without experience in growing, period!

If you live in an illegal state......Your looking at the possibility of major law issues!
They do track electrical usage in residential homes and even a home with a 200 amp box. Is going to be hard pressed to deliver what you want.

Sigh, Ok, here is some advise on how to overcome your electrical issues..... Buy a building that was an operating tool and die or heavy machine shop. Others would be any business that required high electrical amp/watt draws.
This covers use amounts. Your GOING to HAVE to cover scent elimination. These buildings usually have roof exhaust. This is good BUT, It MUST still be filtered!

Another plus for these buildings is that some have pretty good cooling to build on. High ceilings - so the use of DE bulb HID is clear! You want big harvest? Big plants go a long way to helping that, and keeping plant #'s down. High plant #'s can in some places....cause bigger legal issues! They will have sufficient water and drain availability, and have little to no windows to inside past the office area. You will have truck docks to load and unload your supplies with out drawing attention to the operation....

Get a tour of the building and look for petro chemical spills in/on the floor surfaces......Not the best choice but, usable.....You buy it and you could become liable for on-site pollution issues not disclosed in the sale or hidden and later discovered by off-site neighbors.....So ask about that on the land it's self...

Leasing is ok, as long as the lessor does not pop in for a visit at any time!

Questions so far?
I have a great job and im completely financially stable and independent. In my humble opinion I can fail and take financial losses as long as im learning and getting better. I've sold it for years and am ready to take a leap into unknown territory my only fear is jail time and losing my right to own firearms. Money is of no concern at this point but i do appreciate your reply regardless if it was off topic!
so u have sold it for yrs but u are scared of jail an losing ya guns.fake news here folks!!
I'm no expert at commercial scale, but I'm pretty sure that growing 8-10 pounds of quality buds a cycle is a full time job. Cleaning, cloning, potting, transplanting, mixing, watering, repairing, inspecting, pruning, and finally TRIMMING TRIMMING TRIMMING.

Exactly, grow a few to see what you can expect. I have 4 and that's all I ever want to manage. Don't even want to think about trimming 8-10 lbs LOL the horror.
jw, if money is of no concern why would you want to manufacture and sell illicit substances?

i'd move to a legal state if growing and distributing weed is your passion
Open a welding shop on the property. Take out a business license. File any required sales tax reports including zero sales. Claim you only do private work. The electric bill is explained. Further a grow that size will require an electrician. Just say you need multiple 240 volt outlets and some 115s. Use 240 volt grow lights.
Hmm. Buy a building? My ass!! Lol dude I'd prolly just build me a bunch of lil tents big enough for one or two big plants and some LEDs. It would be a million lil stealth grows but it's possible. You will probably have to do a lot of plant training but it could work. LEDs don't consume as much energy as hid and mh bulbs.with reflective surfaces and proper space usage your canopy can fill in nicely. As for trimming homemade trimming machines are simple enough to make. A Google search can help with that.
Why bother if money isn’t a problem?

Outdoor is a good idea if climate allows

If you are just worried about electricity use a generator and some solar panels and charge batteries ect off the grid

The heat thing isn’t really an issue as u will prolly be running ac anyway