Stealth Ventilation


Active Member
So my predicament is, I have to keep this grow secret, especially from my parents living downstairs. I am growing in my attic right under the roof so there are a few holes I could rig up to some ventilation or something. I am getting two 150watt hps systems also. And some CFL's. The space I'm growing in is a connection of 3 hallways, about 4 feet wide, 6 feet tall, and 18 feet long each. So quite a bit of air and space.

All of this might be possible but the problem is FANS MAKE NOISE. Too much noise in fact. Does anyone have any ideas, or know of quiet fans? Help!

If you guys can help me out with a plan, I'll probably use cool tubes on those 150w's and vent some cold air in ( will be winter, very cold here ) for my plants. fyi, 4 plants. Soil.



Well-Known Member
Don't do it! Unless they are cripples or simple they will find your shit and its their house their responsibility if u are dumb and get caught because u told some one or some shit. I tried growing one time when living at home I can home one day and seedlings were outside in the snow. Pops didn't say shit, but we didn't talk much anyhow.


Active Member
My mom might be okay with it, but shes really uneasy about it. and my dad would just want me to get rid of them. MAYBE if I say that I am not selling it and just growing it for the fun of it. But then they still don't want me smoking it but I don't know. Anyways, this threads about ventilation not counseling for my parents.


Well-Known Member
If you are in a cold climate it may be too cold to grow in your attic, but given enough light and ingenuity it could be done in an insulated box. You could use silent pc fans, 120mm, a couple of them. Really hard to hear from a foot away and easily could be assumed to be background noise. If it's really cold though you'd have to be sure to balance the fans with ambient temp so it doesn't end up too cold in the box.

Use a wood box, line the top with drywall inside to fireproof it, and then paint the whole inside flat white. Insulate outside of box with foam board insulation.
Mount fans in some manner where light doesn't leak. I have no ideas there.


Well-Known Member
lol, mom knows and she decides to water the plants i come home from school, and see the fucking seedlings on the top of the soil taproots up lol...

i told her dont fuck with my plants my experiment im not selling, i just want to see if im able to grow this weed...,, now they live in my closet, and my dad doesnt even bother me... im only worried when the flowering comes and my mom sees the fatt flowering buds, but thats where ima have to create a exhaust with carbon filter.. hummdee dumm!!!


and i have to secretly buy 150w HPS, i am not using their cards, they go bla bla waste of money

figure a way around ur problem, lol


Active Member
Yeah I have my own card etc etc. That's probably what I will tell them if I find out. I've never grown or been around growing so I have no experience with how bad it smells. I don't feel the need for a box, and my attic is insulated and mostly sheetrocked. It stays plenty warm up there. I'm looking at the panasonic whisper line series which seems to have been popular with growers needing low noise. I'll look into the 120mm fans, thank you. I mainly need some ventilation to cool the lights and possibly for smell, but since I'm just growing in an open area, I do not know how to suck just air from my plants to eliminate odor. Maybe something like this, with the carbon filter sucking everything in?: Link

So I'm still thinking... maybe between plates of vinegar, incense in my room, odor eliminating cfl's, and anything else, smell shouldn't be a problem. Maybe it will be and I will try that idea out in the link above.

What do you guys think?

Also, a link to my grow journal: Here

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i agree with new growth don't grow without permission get your own place and do what ever you want until then you are a guest, have some respect. maybe this spring you cold try a gorilla grow? good luck


Well-Known Member
The site is for 18 and over, if you are living with the rents its their house to lose not yours. If you are over eighteen, move the hell out and I'll be happy to share what I know. Like I said I tried it, it didn't work and it was f'd up on my part. Why don't u start a thread called how many people got caught growing in their parent's house and see how many responses you get. Peace, be safe and respectful.


Active Member
I am 18, going to college soon and will be renting an apartment on my own, in which I will move my plants into. I will still have the same problems because I don't want a lot of noise. I'd be delighted to have your input on the situation. Thanks for the advice


Active Member
You're all jerks.

I would make some snide remark about how you could not go to college, and how it led to your horrible spelling, but that's not who I am.


Well-Known Member
We are just being honest. I would not grow at my parents house. that is stupid unless they know and don't care. Also, I do not think it is safe to grow in a aparment either. Maintaince men can come in your apartment anytime if there is a leak in plumbing or something like that. Go to college, get a job, get a house and then grow. Thats what I did.


Active Member
But it's not your judgment call, I'm the one taking the risk. I just wanted your help with some ideas, from which everyone could learn from. I'll go back to gc, they're much more friendly.


Active Member
Man i was in the SAME predicament as you, and was concidering growing inside the attic, after my mom stumbled apon my small closet grow up :cuss:

well heres some tips, i live in a cold place too, canada, and i was baffled at the thought of how i culd get it down in the attic, but its really simple if your parents arent home alot, and you use timers, use oscillating fans as they make less noise, and possibly make an actual growbox inside the attic, but the biggest thing i was worried about was the bud rot, due to all the critters n sh1t in the attic, and of course getting up there to check on them, but if your really commited to it, it can work, as long as you love your plants theyll love you back

hope this was helpful
Jay :bigjoint:

smoke dat dro