Stealth Ventilation


Well-Known Member
I'm growing at home. I'm 20 and live with and take care of my elderly grandma.. What she doesn't know won't kill her.. But then again, I help pay the bills around here, so I guess that's different.

It's about privacy and space. In my situation, I have my part of the house, and I contribute and pay to have it.. so I do what I want. Don't mooch off of your parents. Some of these guys can tell you how much their electric bills go up from HID lighting and what not.

The guy that suggested waiting until spring and doing a gorilla grow, I'd take his advice. You have to remember that what you are doing is ILLEGAL and you can get into some SERIOUS MOTHERFUCKING TROUBLE. Not only that, your parents would to for it being in their house.


Active Member
Thanks jay, I'm looking at those TD Inline fans, but I lost the thread. It started out a guy posting pictures of some inline fans, and forgot the manufacturers name. If you know where that thread is let me know. I can't fit a grow box through the cubby hole that goes into the attic. I'm confident it will work because its pretty insulated and I'm on the 3rd floor so I'm separated a little bit. I saw a moth up there the other day, but other than that it stays pretty critter-free. Thanks for the tips



Active Member
I'm growing at home. I'm 20 and live with and take care of my elderly grandma.. What she doesn't know won't kill her.. But then again, I help pay the bills around here, so I guess that's different.

It's about privacy and space. In my situation, I have my part of the house, and I contribute and pay to have it.. so I do what I want. Don't mooch off of your parents. Some of these guys can tell you how much their electric bills go up from HID lighting and what not.

The guy that suggested waiting until spring and doing a gorilla grow, I'd take his advice. You have to remember that what you are doing is ILLEGAL and you can get into some SERIOUS MOTHERFUCKING TROUBLE. Not only that, your parents would to for it being in their house.

I do my part around here, believe me. I've lost all trust in society and am not telling anyone about this, and will not be selling it, so I'm not too worried about getting caught. I also live a mile from anyone, 2 miles outside the closest town to me, of about 2000 people total.


Active Member
I do my part around here, believe me. I've lost all trust in society and am not telling anyone about this, and will not be selling it, so I'm not too worried about getting caught. I also live a mile from anyone, 2 miles outside the closest town to me, of about 2000 people total.
the best thing might be to wait for summer and grow outdoors, if u have a mile of free land, how the f$#@ are your parents going to find it, just throw some seeds behind some bushes, they suld grow lol, i advise using bunk seed though

Jay :bigjoint: