steamroller + Rammstein-Hitler or Rammstein-Ich Will


Well-Known Member
make a big steamroller out of a big cardboard tube. :blsmoke:

wrap in duct-tape.:mrgreen:

install small-medium mag-light head (preferably red or black) with a coil of foil jammed in the bottom to cause a cyclone affect. insert a pipe filter.:roll:

pack the bowl in your musty, dank, concrete, gray basement, and listen to Rammstein, preferably the songs Hitler, or Ich Will.:confused:

:twisted:you'll feel like the fuhrer in his last hours.:twisted:

:spew:Adolf Hitler was known to use a proverbial cocktail of drugs on a regular basis.

this is alot more realistic if you have any nazi regallia, or banners/paraphenalia.
