Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member

I had some potting/seedling soil left over that I bought from B&Q a while ago.. I also went to Pound Land and bought some Gypo Perlite substitute :) I mixed up some in with the soil in an old wok :) ..

The stuff is called Polyacrelamide, dunno if its any good ?

Here's a pic of the 2 contenders :) the small one went in the small Mario Cup, and the bigger one went in the extra large Cup!

Aside from that, I have just done another 1 every 3-day water/nuit change R.H is a thirsty girl at 3L per 24/h, she is filling the screen nicely and more tops are popping up every day :) :) :) I have to say though I cant wait to put her into Flower... I am also going to add another air line into the DWC Res as the roots are restricting them working the way they should. so another 'top' air stone should help that! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
nice update stelthy mate what strains are in the cups...
Hi dude, they are 2 of the 4 Clones I took from my Royal-Haze, I am just doing the Party Cups for a laugh really.. since I would have only thrown the 2 remaining clones away otherwise :) even if I only get a 10-bag from each its no worries and still just a bit of fun really :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
normally you can get 13-28 grams off a party cup if you root prune and replace the soil that there groing in..
I've not yet tried my hand at root pruning.. I will look into this :) Do you give them nuits, or just water and let them feast on the nuits in the soil? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
you should use a different cup, those will eventually get soggy and not hold up. atleast by the looks of them they are the average cups that you get for sodas at a fast food place. most party cups used are plastic for that reason and can have holes put in them easily for drainage.


Active Member
you should grow Kalashnikova from GreenHouse Seed Co. and you should use the RootMaker to root prune your seedlings/clones and develop fibrous roots. Air Pruning is definitely the future. Hey can i ask for your advise on something, i have a closet thats 4X2X7 (LXWXH) and i'd like to use soil to grow do you know how I can maximize this space and use it to grow in a stealthy way of course. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
you should use a different cup, those will eventually get soggy and not hold up. atleast by the looks of them they are the average cups that you get for sodas at a fast food place. most party cups used are plastic for that reason and can have holes put in them easily for drainage.
That would have been some great advice, unfortunatly I am not going to go any further with the party cups, I think I added to much of the Gypo Perlite stuff... anyhow the pots pretty much exploded in a mass of unforgiving jelly, not cool! :( ... and they were dead. So thats the end of that for now! .. I may do just party cups on my next grow.. we'll see :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
oh man, the mario cup looks real cool with a plant sticking out of it. if i could rep+ i would :eyesmoke:
As I said already.. unfortunatly the Party Cup grow is 'no more' :( but I agree with you the Mario Cups was cool ... inspiration for an 'All Mario Cup Super Grow' I'll work on collecting some worthy contenders (seeds!) :) then I will do an all cup grow :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
you should grow Kalashnikova from GreenHouse Seed Co. and you should use the RootMaker to root prune your seedlings/clones and develop fibrous roots. Air Pruning is definitely the future. Hey can i ask for your advise on something, i have a closet thats 4X2X7 (LXWXH) and i'd like to use soil to grow do you know how I can maximize this space and use it to grow in a stealthy way of course. Thanks in advance.
You'll defo wanna be doing a SCROG whether it be a Vertical or Horizontal, How many plants do you wish to raise ? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I am gunna hit the sack early tonight! I've had 4 Pints of Scrumpy Jack and a King L of the crap bud that I have, and although not really stoned or high - pah say.. I do feel tired, I was tempted to check on her tonight........but will prob leave it till the morning! I have some Roast Potatoes in the oven that I am going to munch on before I do hit the sack :) but will keep my fingers crossed she's filled more of the screen ready for when I check in on her in the morning :)

I've not yet had the chance to provide her with a third air-line, but it will be done...soon! :) also I have pruned a few more leaves.. mainly ones blocking light to tops or shady ones from the undergrowth!

I also decided to spray the undersides of the leaves with the freeby sample of leaf stuff.. I figured zero chance of burn, I'll wait n see if anything good has come of this :)

More updates coming soon :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hi again :) ... I have been advised to put her into Flower now so I can use the remaining space in the screen, whilst she stretches then I should have ample room as she starts to bud.. I have stuck to Veg nuits for the time being as well as sticking with the 250w MH + side lighting (6500K) ... just until the budsites are prominent.. then I'll change to the 400w HPS - (Digi-Lux Super Dual Spec).

The timers have all been reconfigured to 12/12 as of today .. so hopefully it won't be to long before I can show some Flowering pics etc etc.

I'am gunna have an awkward situation soon though, as my parents came over to babysit... and of course .. they started snooping.. I thought I'd taken care of everything that only criminal damage could see around.. How-ever... I forgot to detatch my CCTV Cam. and am unsure if its been switched on? :( also one of the locks had been tampered with and was sitting differently to how I left it! Even if the doors are pulled with force, they are still held strongly in place and wont budge the slightest..

Its gonna be awkward on a few levels cos I need to thank them for looking after the kids when we went to see Lee Evans in Wembley last night, and wonder who's gonna bring it up?!! or should I avoid them and hope something else occupies their mind..... at least until Flowering is over and I can bung in some Rasberries or Tomatoes etc..

I'd hate to have to shut this grow down! Also if they bring it up it'll lead me to the question of 'why the F£$k were they snooping round our bedroom?' hmm I gotta find a tactile approach so I come out winning! Hmm.... What would Charlie Sheen do ?? lol :) - STELTHY :leaf:

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Hi again :) ... I have been advised to put her into Flower now so I can use the remaining space in the screen, whilst she stretches then I should have ample room as she starts to bud.. I have stuck to Veg nuits for the time being as well as sticking with the 250w MH + side lighting (6500K) ... just until the budsites are prominent.. then I'll change to the 400w HPS - (Digi-Lux Super Dual Spec).

The timers have all been reconfigured to 12/12 as of today .. so hopefully it won't be to long before I can show some Flowering pics etc etc.

I'am gunna have an awkward situation soon though, as my parents came over to babysit... and of course .. they started snooping.. I thought I'd taken care of everything that only criminal damage could see around.. How-ever... I forgot to detatch my CCTV Cam. and am unsure if its been switched on? :( also one of the locks had been tampered with and was sitting differently to how I left it! Even if the doors are pulled with force, they are still held strongly in place and wont budge the slightest..

Its gonna be awkward on a few levels cos I need to thank them for looking after the kids when we went to see Lee Evans in Wembley last night, and wonder who's gonna bring it up?!! or should I avoid them and hope something else occupies their mind..... at least until Flowering is over and I can bung in some Rasberries or Tomatoes etc..

I'd hate to have to shut this grow down! Also if they bring it up it'll lead me to the question of 'why the F£$k were they snooping round our bedroom?' hmm I gotta find a tactile approach so I come out winning! Hmm.... What would Charlie Sheen do ?? lol :) - STELTHY :leaf:
are you already in flower? didn't you just start this new grow? Man time flys.

That's a weird situation. but yeah if you dont want them knowing just say you're growing veggies... and went overboard lol.