Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member
good morning stealthy mate :) yesterday i took measurements of two fans both intake and extractor so i can make the boxes. today im going to buy a saw bit for my jigsaw and start making them out of chipboard. actual measurements are : H 9" by L 11" by W 9 ".
i think if i make the box from inside 13" by 15" by 11" i'll be good right ? that will be 4" bigger in every dimension.
peace loveweed


Well-Known Member
Ok I made a 'dick move' yesterday! .. I left my Green Night-Light on all through the Plants night cycle... I am wondering if this will have any bad effects on my plant ie/ revert them back to Veg/Stress etc or.. since the plants cant see 'Green' will the light being left on have no adverse effect at all ?? Hopefully the latter?!!

If anyone could shine some light on this subject for me that would be great, many thanks - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

She's getting real bushy now... I think next time I'll put her into Flower a couple of weeks earlier... Still I am happy with her progress so far :) !!

Its getting quite difficult to tuck anymore stems under the screen so I have raised the lamps a couple of inches.. and will LST from here on out where necessary :)

Her under-carriage is looking good to, I trim her every couple of days, leaving alone the Fan Leaves... and just allowing a decent air-flow to travel up between the leaves etc...

Hope y'all like my update..Its been 12 days since she was switched to 12/12 and still no sign of any Flowers yet.. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope to see some soon!! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Anyone know how long 'the stretch' takes .. before the flowers begin to show ?? - STELTHY :leaf:
depends on the strain, some can start showing flowers as soon as 3-7 days into switching the light sativa took almost 2 weeks to start showing flowers. Be careful trimming alot as that can lead to a stunted growth for a few days though, however i have noticed that you get a growth spurt when they come back around from a massive trim.


Well-Known Member
reading your first 75 pages the 3rd time... never gets boring.
i'm building a new cab with a 600w hps.. originally the dimensions where going to be 1.2m by 1.2m but now i sketched my plans and it going to be 1m by 1m. this is why i went through your thread again. some very nice ideas that will be alternating and using for my need. again very well done:clap:

also your girls is looking sweet very bushy and stocky:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Awesome man. Looking amazing, I would say within the next 5days you should see the little cluster of pistils popping. I love how it looks. I really want to scrog.. but I have to move my plants :[


Well-Known Member

Just over an inch to go and the whole screen will be filled !! :) ... Also it was kinda hard to see under the Green Night-Light.. but I "think" the 1st signs of little flowers are beginning to show.. I am still using CANNA Vega A+B, Ryzotonic and Cannazym for Vegging atm. I have 7L of nuits in my Res. left but as soon as she has drunk them (approx 2 days/48hrs) I will start the next course of CANNA nuits and throw in some Boost.

I have noticed 1 or 2 slightly yellow leaves.. so will trim them off today and check my PH to make sure its on target!

More updates coming soon - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Above I have added some pics of my Royal-Haze and she has just put out her 1st little Flower's, I will leave her drinking Veg nuits until tomoz.. Then will change to her new diet :) It's exciting times since buds are not too far away now !!! :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: I have no doubt in my mind that the final little gap on the left of the screen will be filled completly in the next couple of days..

I am also considering leaving the UV-B on for a whole hour at the end of the 12/12 light cycle, the rest of the time the UV-B's input is staged 30 mins on 30 mins off... I have a feeling that keeping it on for an hour at the end should help just that extra bit now the Flowers are on their way !!

I hope ya like the pics... Cant wait to get some 'Bud-Porn' up etc :) :) :) I'am currentley on the prowl for a decent USB-Microscope so I can document the trich development etc...

I am also in limbo as to whether to experiment with UV-Blacklighting as well to gain an 'even fuller spectrum' :) !!! But it all depends on a bit more research and a powerful..yet cool lamp :)

New/extra lamps are on the horizon... inc KESSIL Red but for now I can hardly complain, my girl is becoming a lady and her flowers are beautiful :), More updates coming soon...

Infact I think now's the time to re-start 'Update Monday' again ... This will entail a new update of pics etc.. every Monday and nothing in-between to detail a better change in growth etc...

Thats all folk's .... Until next 'Monday's Update' - STELTHY :leaf: