Ok,... I woke up & checked my Res...It was 100% empty

So with out further a-due I decided to start the Flush.. I add 20ml of Blueberry Scented - Final Flush to 9L of PH Balanced water and transferred it across to the recently empty'd Res tub..
Today is the 1st day of the Flush...Not long until my next MONDAY-UPDATE aka : "HARVEST"

... I did think I may use my other Flushing agent as well a few days from now but its not 100% yet.. I'll ponder it some more
I also have thought about adding some Vanilla sticks to the curing jars to see if any of the aroma will transpire across to the bud..for smell appeal? also not 100% yet,,, Just an idea that came to me whilst toking on some Cheese my mate gave to me last night

What are ya thoughts ?? - STELTHY