Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member
very nice cab bro, i have to check my pants for a white creamy substance in the frontal area now. thought that it only happens to wee lads that are coming of age, but apparently when you see something you like, no matter how old you are, you could nut your drawers.


Well-Known Member
very nice cab bro, i have to check my pants for a white creamy substance in the frontal area now. thought that it only happens to wee lads that are coming of age, but apparently when you see something you like, no matter how old you are, you could nut your drawers.
Lol :) Thanks man :) - STELTHY :leaf:

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
cant wait to see the tomato's as well now :) i grew some chillis in my tent while i had my "quiet period" turned out quite hot, to hot for me lol


Well-Known Member

Mini UPDATE! Hi again :) my little 'Strawberry Thai' is coming along well, she has just been watered with un-PH balanced water (standard tap water) without nuits... (She was watered with nuites last time around :) ). - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

I plan to let her 'Veg' until she reaches 14" but that largely depends on how long the 'Great White Shark' in the DWC pot, takes to sprout and grow to a min of 12" in 'Veg'. Hydro has been reported to grow at an excelerated speed compared to soil so it'll be interesting to see if the DWC can catch up with/over take her soil companion :) lol... - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

My 'actual Tomatoes' are vegging real nicely and getting bigger by the day,...Once the GWS arrives and veg's to a worthy height it'll be nice to switch to flower and see all the changes at once... Not trying to run before I can walk but its cool to think ahead and the happiness of what will be before me :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Ah 'Great White Sharks' getting ready to jump into 'Train-Wrecks' grave, Come on GWS come onnnnnn!!! lol It will be nice to fill the G-A-P on the left, and I will do ...My guess is within 2-3 days, I've just looked at GWS in her Rockwool cube and she HAS BROKEN THROUGH :) !!! So in a couple of day's or so when she is standing straight with her baby leaves turned the right way up, she will arrive in her new home! And I can let my MH work its magic... Its exciting I just wish she could be in there today :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
cant wait to see the tomato's as well now :) i grew some chillis in my tent while i had my "quiet period" turned out quite hot, to hot for me lol
Hi dude, Yeah I am looking forward to the Tomatoes too :) I wonder how many I'll get n how big they'll be and if any of my Boost's will affect them at all, hmm lol :) I have some chilli seeds but am going to get the Tomatoes done 1st or I'll have no room left for my prized plants :) I would like to grow those ultra hot chilli's but I dunno what they are called nor where to buy the seed's :( I think it'll be nice to have fruit n veg growing as well as kick ass buds :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Ah 'Great White Sharks' getting ready to jump into 'Train-Wrecks' grave, Come on GWS come onnnnnn!!! lol It will be nice to fill the G-A-P on the left, and I will do ...My guess is within 2-3 days, I've just looked at GWS in her Rockwool cube and she HAS BROKEN THROUGH :) !!! So in a couple of day's or so when she is standing straight with her baby leaves turned the right way up, she will arrive in her new home! And I can let my MH work its magic... Its exciting I just wish she could be in there today :) - STELTHY :leaf:

Well I woke up this morning and had the urge to look at my littlen in her Rockwool cube.... - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

From out of the darkness stood this 5" seedling, I was like Fuck! its grown a bit lol :) Better not waste any time and get her into the DWC pot a couple of days earlier than I had expected :) I checked the PH and it came out Piss Yellow - Perfect :) My E.C reading was on target so I put her in my little net pot and poured some clay balls around the cube to nest her in place.. - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Here is 'Great White Shark' all tucked in and having a quick nap before lights on at 1PM :) My Green tube light is great !! I can see so clearly in my unit and cos it goes beneath the Grow Shelf it allows me to see all my nuits etc with ease :), Anyhow - Green lights off, MH lights off, In-line fans off, Thermostat is set...& Heaters are on and the doors are closed....I really hope this seedling grows and grows well :) !!! Unlike the 'Train-Wreck' that bit the dust a week ago :( - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Ok a little update, I decided that since my watering can has a 2L capacity and my Strawberry Thai plant pot has roughly a 4L capacity, that I would change my nuit/feeding guide chart to 2L. Here's the chart with the necessary changes, This is mainly for my reference until I can get to the internet cafe to print off the chart to house in my cupboard :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

My Actual Tomato plants are coming on great, and the vegetation really smells of tomatoes already :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

My 1st ever attempt at growing in soil...The Strawberry Thai Has grown a bit more since last week and is now just over 7" tall - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Shes just sprouted her 3rd set of real leaves..I am going to wait until her 4th or 5th set before I decide to Top her, I will probably Top her just the once for 2 main Cola's as I am saving the space on the left for my Great White Shark....Which is taking its time to pop out its 1st set of leaves :(, Still when it does the space will be there :) Strawberry Thai is being fed on Canna Terra Vega, Canna Rhyzotonic, Canna Cannazym and a few drops of Super Thrive with standard tap water and every following water is just 2L of standard tap water. She's looking healthy so I guess I am happy about that :) - STELTHY :LEAF:


Well-Known Member

And lastly here is the Great White Shark seedling, Its popped 2 very tiny beginnings of leaves but thats about all, I am keeping my fingers firmly crossed for this little bugger! lol I may germinate a 3rd seedling just in case but I really hope she starts developing soon :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
man that seedling is realllllllllly stretchy how far away is your light?
Hi dude lol Nah its not cos of the light, ....I left the seedling in my heated propagator...I am guessing too long :( and that was the result! I'am hoping that once its spits out a couple of leaves the stem will thicken up (fingers crossed) and it will continue to grow in a normal fashion. If not :( I will sew yet another seed n keep a watchful eye upon her, still we'll see :) - STELTHY :leaf: