Stem bend away and leave bend to light


Active Member
I have ten plants growing in red party cups filled with miracle grow. They are all about 3-4 inches tall. I have them under a 300 watt cfl. Three of them are looking strong but the others are weird. The stems are bending way away from the light while at the sAme time the leaves all aim at the light. I have no idea what is causing this. Could it be from not enough air circulation? I don't know what else to think.


Well-Known Member
it could be the beginning signs of nute shock... mg is bad soil.. it has way to many nutes and growth excellerators that most of the time it kills the plant... its just a guess tho... they are to young to have to worry about a ton of air circulation or anything else..


Well-Known Member
you should get some plain soil and use your own nutes... but if you MUST use mg soil at least use it with a 50/50 blend of plain potting soil...


Active Member
I have used Miracle Grow Moisture Control Potting Soil for the last 4 grows. There is NOTHING wrong with it. In fact I have several friends with money who used all the High End grow mix and I ALWAYS have a MUCH BETTER Product than them...Always. My stuff can't get any better in Quality, it isn't so good on Quantity though. It fetches Top Dollar and goes fast. I also use Peter's All Purpose 20/20/20 plant food all the way through. End result. Not as much quantity as I want. One other thing I do that I am not suppose to is use Metal Halide Lights through BOTH stages. It really pisses my friends off when they spend so much on nutrients and stuff and I spend very little and get so much better stuff. The quality is like night and day. However the Quality is second to none. I have never ever smoked better weed than I have grown. Everyone tells me this too. I finally found something I am good it! YEAH ;)

it could be the beginning signs of nute shock... mg is bad soil.. it has way to many nutes and growth excellerators that most of the time it kills the plant... its just a guess tho... they are to young to have to worry about a ton of air circulation or anything else..