Stem broke 5 weeks into flowering help


Hey, just wondering whats the best situation when your stem rots and breaks at the complete bottom of the plant :( should you try and replant it?


Well-Known Member

i have done lots of things to plants and normall they survive... is it actually rotten or jus heavy and fell over?? if it just cracked anfd fell over leave it i have dropped lights on them and tipped pots over before and thought "this one is for sure done" and they bounce right back without a hiccup well maybe... but seriousli i need pics to asses the damage bro cant do much else

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Yeah, we need picks.

If it's completely broken off (no root mass attached), there's no saving it.

If it's still attached, splint and support it.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
What they said lol when I installed my mh / hps I moved my taller girl out tent top caught on light snapped right n half.... Little bit tape never knew the difference lol


I'll try to get pics up soon, sucks but I don't mind the little buds that are on it :). I still have another plant though


Well-Known Member
Duct tape !!!!!!! Even if its completely of.....unless truely rotten, done about that there....but like Mcwhip, I too have snapped off tops & got the tape out & all was good !