stem hardening, seedlings and clones how you do it?


Active Member
ok i just want to see how everyone does it ive heard different things from twisting to bending to light schedule i want to compare and see what works best :neutral:


Well-Known Member
which one do you want to know about cloning stem hardening or seedlings?????

im confused


Well-Known Member
Haven't cloned (yet) but as regards stem hardening the best thing you can do is get some breeze going on your seedlings / plants as early as possible. Not a problem outdoors for obvious reasons, but if indoors a fan is your best bet. Make sure it makes your seedlings jiggle about as they would do in an outdoor breeze - you will notice the stems thickening and toughening up very quickly indeed.



Well-Known Member
ya having a good fan blowing on your plants basically trains them :)
as for cloning you will need

1. Razor blade- any type will due as long as it's sharp and clean, and by clean I mean not rusty or dripping with oil. If it looks clean just wipe it off carefully with a paper towel and use it.
2. Planter or container- 7 or 8 inches in diameter, and 7 or 8 inches high. Whatever you decide to use will probably work, but you'll want to fill it with potting soil same as you would for any start or transplant. You'll need one per clone.
3. Shallow bowl or dish- To this you'll pour the same water you use to water your plants, deep enough to dip the stem in without touching the bottom of the container.
4. Peat Pellets- These you'll need to wet down and expand completely, it should look like a little brown hacy-sak or whatever when they're fully saturated. And you'll use one of these per clone.
5. Schultz Take Root- I found the best thing is to pour or scoop some into a clean and dry bottle top, and place it next to the bowl of water.
Now were ready to for cloning our marijuana plants. It's always best to work on a table or flat surface, having everything in reach, because it's important to get a freshly clipped clone into its growing medium as quickly as possible.

Now poke a hole in your growing medium for your clones. The hole need not be much wider than the stems of the clippings.

Assuming the marijuana plants are doing well and have lots of new growth coming in, carefully select a small branch that includes at least a quarter to half inch of stem, and cut it off on a slight angle from the host plant.

Without touching the cut end of the marijuana clone, dip it into the water, and then into the take root powder. Now carefully insert your clone into the hole you've prepared in the peat pellet trying not to disturb the powder that has stuck to the wetted end. Now gently press the top of the pellet to close the hole around the stem, and bury to within a quarter inch of the top of the pellet, into the awaiting planter.

Treat this as you would any new start, you'll see it drooping out within 10 or 15 minutes, then depending on your lighting conditions. Spring back to life in an hour or two… It's a Beautiful Thing Cloning weed :) :)

if this doesnt help you just type in google cloning weed....