Stem rot problem help help!!!!


Active Member
My stems have some kind of rot going on i've lost 5 off my babies so far. running the omega volkswagon had 50 plants down 45 in vegative growth about 4wks. need help with the rot and need advice on a watering schedule with one of these.
heres some pictures
using a 600w light 18/6
is their any solution too this rot on the stems
advance nutes sensi grow A&B 1 1/4 tsp to each gallon ph 6.0-6.5 ppm around 600
Is it a good ideal to clone them if theres no solution too the stem rot
I have a EZcloner 30 site



Well-Known Member
That 2nd picture is out of focus but it looks like classic case of "damping off", caused by fungus and is fatal. See Jorge Cervantes book "MARIJUANA HORTICULTURE" PAGE 383 if you can get a copy.
Bad news...sorry.


Active Member
color brown or even black have the book but was hoping somebody has dealed with this before and have solved the problem. Is cloning a way out of this


Well-Known Member
If damping off is what you got I say there's no hope. The fungus will be in any clones you take. Probably screw up your grow room to if you don't get rid of it completely.
Hate to bring bad news....if someone has a different solution I'd like to hear it.
Thanks for the link Nubee, I'm saving it for future use. Unfortunately not all pages are in the preview.