Stems purple, Outside leaf margins yellowing


Well-Known Member
So I have 4 (NewYorkPowerDiesel, Tangerine Dream, White Widow, and Freeze Cheese 89') going in their 4th week of flowering. Everything is looking good except I have noticed the stems on the Diesel are starting to turn purple. I have been watering with spring water all along and have been fertilizing with bat guano tea and have also gave one dose of maxsea to all my plants. I'm begining to think it must be a cal/mag problem.. What do you guys think? here is some pics. The leaves on some of the diesel colas are starting to curve quite a bit as well. Any feed back would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
They look fine... A bloom booster could help, or just rise K levels, not a bad idea on adding some cal-mag, just remember to flush it well prior harvest as it affects taste


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. The maxsea is 3-20-20 gave it 2 nights before this pics were taken. My partner thinks the problem is our 1000 watt light was too close. Because the yellowing did kind of occur in a pattern. We raised the lights up too.. So maybe that will help. Thanks again guys


Well-Known Member
whats the temperature in your room? the tips curling down usually have to do with heat excess or cold excess.