Stems Splitting -- maybe a nute def?


Hey all,

On a couple of my outdoor plants I'm seeing a few stems split -- not all the way through, and not enough to break the stem, but it is significant.

A couple of bad cell phone pictures are can see that there's a significant amount of the cortex/pith/etc (the inside of the stem) exposed by the split. It's sort of hardened over by now.

What the pics don't show well is that the stem is more split than scraped -- there's a decent gash running down the length of the affected area, it's not like the epidermis has been scraped off.

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So what's causing this? I'm guessing nute def or lockout. My best guess is maybe calcium or potassium. But I'd rather not guess :) Any ideas?

It's only affecting part of a few plants, but it's got me concerned.

Thanks much.