Sterilizing room post Spider Mite infection?


New Member
I am days away from harvest and I hate these assholes. I want to make sure that my room gets a fresh start. I was thinking of cleaning the floors and walls with a 1:4 bleach solution. After that is done I was going to drop a pyretheum bomb in there, either Dr Doom or the one made by BASF. After both of these steps will they be dead? Do I need to wait 3 days and drop a different chemical bomb? Should I pump up my CO2 or anything else? I just want to get back to a clean room and all advice would be welcome
I am days away from harvest and I hate these assholes. I want to make sure that my room gets a fresh start. I was thinking of cleaning the floors and walls with a 1:4 bleach solution. After that is done I was going to drop a pyretheum bomb in there, either Dr Doom or the one made by BASF. After both of these steps will they be dead? Do I need to wait 3 days and drop a different chemical bomb? Should I pump up my CO2 or anything else? I just want to get back to a clean room and all advice would be welcome
shouldnt you bomb the room first then disinfect it after?
I am open to doing whichever way round makes most sense. My concern is that if I bomb first or second, will 1 bomb be enough to kill all spider mites and/or their eggs/larvae in a room without any plant material in it? Do I also need to use Attain TR?
I had a problem last year with aphids and powdery mildew. I could NOT get rid of the PM no matter what I tried. A good friend recommended an Ozone Generator. I order one from Amazon, and ran it in my room overnight. Haven't had a problem since. When I harvest, I put the Ozone Generator in the room for a day just for insurance. Here's the one I bought.

Edited to add, you can't run the generator while your plants are in the room. It kills everything in the room.
I am days away from harvest and I hate these assholes. I want to make sure that my room gets a fresh start. I was thinking of cleaning the floors and walls with a 1:4 bleach solution. After that is done I was going to drop a pyretheum bomb in there, either Dr Doom or the one made by BASF. After both of these steps will they be dead? Do I need to wait 3 days and drop a different chemical bomb? Should I pump up my CO2 or anything else? I just want to get back to a clean room and all advice would be welcome

Look into burning some sulphur, the ozone is a good option but the sulphur is more versatile as you can use it while plants are in veg, to prevent mildew and fungi, pretty sure it kills spider mites too, might need repeated burns over a 5-6 day period at least. I would not use Ozone with plants, or any living thing in the house for that matter.

Also, I would make sure air intake is filtered, they can fit through pinhole cracks, so any light leak would also need to be sealed.

Turn OCD on the hygiene. I like to think of it as when I go into the grow area, treat it as if you're going in to do brain surgery, lol.