As the original
mother cuts are not true breeding because of their polyhybrid nature the ambrosia breeding team is taking them though a 2 time
self pollination process(s2) to obtain homogeneity, heavily stress testing a selection before they ever meet the pollen studs. For those who do not understand the “
selfing” process it means a female plant is chemically sex reversed allowing it to pollinate itself resulting in
S1 seed generation-One common misconception is that this process will result in identical phenos exactly like their
mother plant -however in reality
recessive traitscan still be hiding with variation occurring among sibling seeds so this process must be repeated with the adequate s1 seed to achieve more homogeneous
s2 seeds. Stress tested s2’s of excellent mothers are breeding gold as they are homozygous for all traits seen in the s1 individual selection. Ambrosia Seed Company uses only proven
stable genetics as parents and the offspring grown from their seeds show it.

Sex Reversed Females Undergoing ‘Selfing’ Process
Notably ‘selfing’ is how the first
feminized seeds were made but modern
fem seeds usually aren’t s1′s for many reasons, mainly because of higher seed quantities and more vigorous offspring produced in reversed sex outcrosses (
feminized f1’s) A self pollinated plant is passing on very specific information-those traits can be good ones like taste or structure or bad ones in the case hermaphroditism. The difference in a good or bad breeding selection of selfed plant aside from it’s obvious qualities is its performance in extremely intensive stress testing , This kind of testing is time consuming but the only sure way to assure our customers of stable genetics. Because of the crude initial attempts at making feminized seeds in the past, Selfing has been disregarded by many as a bad breeding technique as the process does indeed result in lost vigor with every selfed generation-However, by out-crossing to very inbred fathers from completely different gene pools, we are able to offer
f1 hybrids that exhibit
hybrid vigor on a whole new level for the grower.
We are not using the selfing process to make our seed stock, but rather using the selfing process to select elite breeding mothers.