How's everyone doing tonight?? Been doing a whole bunch of reading up on IBLs and The Application of Selection Pressure.
Here's a little thing I found interesting but Selfing a plant over and over and over and over and over OMG NO. lol
P1-The name of the parent to which a hybrid is crossed in a backcross.
F2- generation : The progeny resulting from self hybridization or inbreeding of F1 individuals is called Second Filial or F2 generation.
F1- generation : The progeny produced from a cross between two parents (P1) is called First Filial or F1 generation.
inbred line- (IBL) - A line produced by at least five generations of sequential inbreeding, self fertilization or backcrossing accompanied by selection within and between lines so that the individuals are considered to be homozygous, or nearly so.
Homozygous - An individual possessing (receiving from parents) identical alleles for a trait is said to be homozygous or pure for that trait, e.g. plant with RR alleles is homozygous for the seed shape. A homozygous always breeds true for that trait.
Phenotype - The external (morphological) appearance of an individual for any trait or traits is called the phenotype, e.g. for seeds, round shape or wrinkled shape is the phenotype
Capitate-Botany: forming a head like mass or dense cluster, as the flowers of plants in the composite family. Enlarged and globular at the tip.
Dominant - said of an allele which by itself alone will produce a particular phenotype regardless of which other allele may be present on the other matching chromosome of the diploid pair; thus it takes only one copy of the chromosome to cause a dominant trait to be expressed in the phenotype.
Genome - the total genetic information possessed by an individual, a breed or a species.
Genotype - the invisible genetic makeup of an individual organism, which includes alleles which may be recessive and therefore have no visible physical expression.
Long long long pages of reading. Made me tired but I got it all.

I mentioned this in another thread and got people telling me I'm wrong. but then the REAL answers came through.
Anyways. In order to create a Blue Dream IBL(F--) I will need to introduce a male to the mix. So.... Why not just add in DJ Short's Blueberry like the original father of Blue Dream is to begin with? lol....
This is just to create regular seeds to work with and find the 2 Dream pheno's I plan to cross for the IBL.
I would revert the haze pheno female cut I am getting because I want MORE traits from the Muffin Pheno than the haze pheno.
Take the F1 progeny and find the phenotype I want by cutting clones of the strongest females showing all the traits I'll be looking for in veg,
Flower the clones while holding the mothers in veg..
Whichever are showing all the traits I will be wanting I will hit with DJ Short's Blueberry[male] pollen.
Take the F1 progeny and keep the strongest male with the purple and pungent stems, and short stalky vegitative growth.(My pheno shows purple stems in early veg, not sure who else has seen this without the same scent in a Blue Dream)
Do the same test as the previous run on the females to find the ones with ALL traits I want to keep(Should be 50/50), and hit them with the F1 [male] pollen.
The F2 progeny should show more of the recurrent traits than the previous but, They also say some F2 strains are the least stable, I think a test may still be required if I cannot pick them out by veg growth alone, and if there are NOT 75%/25% in my favor.
F3 should be simple and run smooth because by then there will be close to 100% of the pheno(Heavy yielding Hazeberry muffin pheno) with a few straggling recessive traits in the bunch.
I can continue to F5+ for the IBL and if it STILL has a few recessive traits present in certain plants I will keep going until 100% uniform.
Remember, ALL females in progeny generations will be the ones with the 2 Blue Dream pheno's and whatever added traits of the Blueberry male.
If I said this wrong forgive me I am high. I took almost an hour to type this thing. hahaha. Had to keep re reading it because I thought I had it wrong at first. But I think it's all good.
Please correct it if I am off there.