Sticky hot shot no pest strip review.


Well-Known Member
Saw a mite the other day. Figure since im 5 weeks into flower and they are resistant to pryetruim (spelling) i woukd see how the pest strips work after hearing some good things.
i hung 1 up in a 700 cubic foot room. After 24 hrs with venting off and room sealed there was no differance in bug count.
Figure well maybe one just isnt enough for a space this large... so i got 5. Hung them all up and placed one right on a infested branch to have it as close to the bugs as i can. Again 24 hrs later with no venting and sealed room they have done nothing. I even saw a mite alive andmoving right on the strip it self as if it was saying tis is all you got.

My final thoughts about the pest strips is that they have zero effect on mites... but it did kill a fly in the room so that helped alot lol.
anyway... i would not recommend this product to anyone trying to use them for mite control. If you have flys by the trash i wohld use them for that but worthless and a waste of cash for mites.

Next i tryed the hot shot indoor no mess foggers. Placed two in room. Waited 12 hrs after set it off. Again no venting and a sealed room....
The mites are laughing at me right now.
Again this product does nothing for mites. Do not recommend for mite control.
Next up is co2 bombing in a sealed box. 1 plant at a time for 1 hr at as high of a level as i can get.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have heard it takes a week. I have had mine hanging for 2 days now. From what I have read, I am felling pretty good about it atm.


Well-Known Member
be careful with those things tho man.... right on the back of the package it sais not to use them in a place where people will be around it and bla bla bla. i went to home depot to buy them and decided not to afeter all those warnings.... the only place "in an active house" that they say u can use it in is ur garage.. and it sais only if ur in the garage for 4-5 hours or less a day. the fumes are dangerous. ive talked to a couple people who used them for mites. and said after a few days they were mite free...

i just used the garden safe fungicide 3 stuff.. it was like 6 bucks and worked great got sum otha stuff too in a white spray bottle with a green sprayer it said organic sumthin adn safe to use on plants and veggies and fruit up till harvest day..... for 1.. the shit STINKS!! smells like vicks vapor rub. adn the smell last for a couple days. and is VERY strong. makes it hard 2 breath and 2... after i sprayed it on my flowering plants.... it turned all my white hairs orange/red.. adn killed them off... =( new ones grew back eventually.. but still. read up on stuff b4 u use it man.. sum stuff is just not safe to spray on plants u will be lighting on fire and inhaling. good luck with the mite problem man. they fuckin SUCK!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have a detached building and am in there for 5-10 minutes tops. Plan is to get mite free and take it down and store it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have a detached building and am in there for 5-10 minutes tops. Plan is to get mite free and take it down and store it.
good idea.. good idea. ive seen a few people with a pretty bad infestation.... and they used them and got rid of them.. my grow room is my closet in my room... sooo i am too nervous to try usin them.....