Stickys Indoor 1000w Super Crop!!!!


Well-Known Member
Love it. The lights off pics are the bomb. Rep.
Thanks lol but the lights are on in every pic i have taken. You know how sometimes when the light is on you will get the lines in the picture? Well i think my camera is fast enough that it takes either a dark line pic or a bright line pic. I just keep clicking tell i get a ok one.


Active Member
I was wondering, seen a few of those and was wondering if it was the persons grows or if they were lucky enough to get pics from outside through blinds. lol


Well-Known Member
Just started week 5 of flower. Both rooms veg and flower are really starting to need to be bigger. Will probley move flower room to extra room. Make cloning and possible mothers a real possabilty that way. Only reason i dont all read have a clone mother area yet is space reasons. I see a project happening this weekend!!
With the lamp on its sorta hard to see the total bud so after the request of a dark pic i took one and it makes seeing the bud threw the forest so much easier.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Howzer! Rep....... you scare me
Justed watered... moving them sucks now! doing any kind of maintaince is just retarded hard. Why did i let them get so damn big in veg? oh well. Live and learn.
So im going to start the project tmrw i hope. i think a 8x11 room will make things a ton easier!! So keep watching for this.


Well-Known Member
Moved them over to the new room. Left light off cause still.have to seal up light leaks from window and some little stuff. They loom so much smaller in the bigger room. At least ill have the room i need now.


Well-Known Member
Dude, Home Depot makes a killing selling you guys who use 5 gallon buckets.

If I made the same bucket for a buck cheaper (green instead of orange) and put pretty 9 tipped beautys all around it, I could retire in a year lol.

Looking real good man! Grow babies grow..........


Active Member
Man just do what I do and go to your local pizzaria or something buissnesswise like it. They dont even recycle. They're free! Just gotta clean um.

Way to go sticky.

8x11 You could fit 4 to 6 lights in it and f-ckin make a killin!!!


Well-Known Member
Dude, Home Depot makes a killing selling you guys who use 5 gallon buckets.
If I made the same bucket for a buck cheaper (green instead of orange) and put pretty 9 tipped beautys all around it, I could retire in a year lol.
Looking real good man! Grow babies grow..........
Make a black one with some pretty picture on them and ill buy. seems the darker the color the better the undermat of roots becomes. +rep
nice grow im 4 day behind you its nice to have something to compare to i put mine into flower on 11/4/10 everthing looks good.
Glad to hear you got one coming along. What strain/s you have going? Reped

Man just do what I do and go to your local pizzaria or something buissnesswise like it. They dont even recycle. They're free! Just gotta clean um.

Way to go sticky.

8x11 You could fit 4 to 6 lights in it and f-ckin make a killin!!!
Thanks man!! The idea of 2 6's and put the 1k into the veg room could become a real possability. tryed rep but denied sry


Well-Known Member
Pics from other day. in thenew room. makes they look lame in this room. next round ill fix that tho :-P. put a fan leaf on a normal size sheet of paper for a size referance.
If it looks like i need more mylar.... thats cause i do and will be getting some


Well-Known Member
little colder in this room. like 65. seems that they have slowed down a little. guna maybe have to get a heater.2010-12-12_20-43-29_523.jpg2010-12-12_20-43-58_522.jpg2010-12-12_20-44-43_266.jpg2010-12-12_20-44-09_193.jpg2010-12-12_20-45-32_766.jpg2010-12-12_20-42-56_511.jpg2010-12-12_20-43-10_981.jpg


Active Member
Lookin good man, I hope to be joining the 1k club soon. Money is tight so I have not made the jump. Loving the grow


Active Member
I know your pain of letting them veg to long :( mine are all an easy 7 feet tall, and my rooms about 8 feet tall and the light takes up well over a foot of space form hanging. I wish I had another room to move them to, but its not happening anytime soon for me. I broke 3 of there tops trying to bend them over so they could get some light, but I think it was because I had been trying to use whatever I had laying around to tie them down. I have clothesline rope now, but I tried a chain from my lights (didn't need them anymore since the light was as high as it could get lol) and it snapped two tops before I realised I was super dumb lol. Can't wait to see the final outcome, I'm about 4 weeks behind you. It's nice to find a thread where it isnt just the prime end of the run nugs making it seem like I'm doing something wrong. It's nice to see the progression they do in the last couple of weeks, it gives me hope!