still cant figure whats wrong/lowryder#2


Active Member
i have been keeping an eye on my 2 lowryder #2's and still cant figure this out dispite having looked through loads of diff forums with pics and getting info from rollitup members! the closest thing to it i have seen so far is heat stress/heat burn but the leaves on mine are drooping down and not curling up like i have seen with heat burn! anyone think it could be a combination of heat burn and over watering combined to make some kind of leaf rot? both plants are exactly a month old today and the bad one has been flowering for 7 days now, the healthy looking one has been flowering for 3 days now! ill show both just so ppl can see that one is healthy and the other is not! replys much appreciated! thanks



Active Member
also i forgot to say but as you can see if you look carefully i have pulled off some lower leaves as they were badly gone. the newest growth has also got a tiny bit of whatever it is right on the very tip of the middle leaf, so im worried the problem is spreading as the other plant looks fine! thanks again


Active Member
yeah i did give them a mild dose of nutes with some bloom when they started flowering! someone else suggested nute burn so i flushed them,(forgetting to check the ph of the run off like a div) but it made no diff so i wondered if it might be heat stress! i flushed them again yesterday so i could check the run off ph and it was a ph of 6 so i reckon its either over watering or heat stress, maybe a combination of both


Active Member
the thing is both plants have had the same of everything, same nutes same place outside same flush, but the pic of the last one you can see it looks healthy where as the other looks fucked up