Still confused


Well-Known Member
its a 12 inch pot, it was overwatered early on but it's had a good dry/ wet cycle since then. I don't water until the the soil is completely dry, not just the top layer. I also drilled several holes in the bottom and about 3 inches up the sides
Starting it in that pot is where u went wrong..... There's roots at the bottom and along the sides ...a bunch of empty mud in the middle


Well-Known Member
But from what I read and understood was that transplanting autos is not the best idea, that's why I started in this pot.
That's what I hear 2.. I don't grow autos so maybe I dunno but I gotta believe there's a little time at the beginning before it flowers to get some kinda root ball started in a smaller container..... And transplanting in flower isn't as scary as people make it sound anyhow if you know what you're doing( not that it's a great idea)

Not saying it cant be done in a pot that size seed to finish either but it won't work if you're running gallons of water thru ffof...... Ffof doesn't like all that water and u need to be watering when the plant wants it not when u think the soil is dry (3to5 days)

I'm convinced u got crappy roots...... Maybe I'm all wrong tho

What I would do is let it dry out til it sags and start w a quart of water

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
The plant needed nutrients. The soil is unstable now. The flushing did a lot of extra damage.. you can't fix it anymore.. All you can do is feed it and water less more often with phd water.. next time amend the soil with dolomite lime and start feeding earlier. .ffof is not hot.. whoever says that either doesn't know how to grow or heard it from someone else.. no truth to it at all.. it only has enough food for 2 weeks max.. I mix ffof, hf and light warrior and it only gets me threw 3 weeks till I have to feed... If I don't feed, In one month the plants will show deficiencies.


That's what I hear 2.. I don't grow autos so maybe I dunno but I gotta believe there's a little time at the beginning before it flowers to get some kinda root ball started in a smaller container..... And transplanting in flower isn't as scary as people make it sound anyhow if you know what you're doing( not that it's a great idea)

Not saying it cant be done in a pot that size seed to finish either but it won't work if you're running gallons of water thru ffof...... Ffof doesn't like all that water and u need to be watering when the plant wants it not when u think the soil is dry (3to5 days)

I'm convinced u got crappy roots...... Maybe I'm all wrong tho

What I would do is let it dry out til it sags and start w a quart of water
I will try that. I'll wait until I see a little bit of wilt before I water again to see if that helps. I'm up to try anything at this point. Its overwhelming because there are so many variables. I am positive I will not use 100% OF next time. Thinking of maybe humpy for my next but I still need to get this girl to harvest :weed:


Well-Known Member
I will try that. I'll wait until I see a little bit of wilt before I water again to see if that helps. I'm up to try anything at this point. Its overwhelming because there are so many variables. I am positive I will not use 100% OF next time. Thinking of maybe humpy for my next but I still need to get this girl to harvest :weed:
I use straight ffof.... I figure the guy who came up w the mix was some kinda soil scientist.... Like maybe I should follow his lead

Ffof is a fine soil


Well-Known Member
I water every 3-5 days depending on how thirsty she is, I'm using fox farms big bloom and tiger bloom at 1/4 strength because everyone says the ocean forest is hot. But I have only given her 2 feedings.
It's just confusing because I've read the diagnosis post but some parts look like nute burn( burnt tips) and others look like nitro def, but then some leaves are dark which means nitro tox :confused:
looks like n toxicity and p - k defiency . should probably be using some cal mag too..


Well-Known Member
I will try that. I'll wait until I see a little bit of wilt before I water again to see if that helps. I'm up to try anything at this point. Its overwhelming because there are so many variables. I am positive I will not use 100% OF next time. Thinking of maybe humpy for my next but I still need to get this girl to harvest :weed:
fertilome ultimate is awesome soil and has perlite , dolomite , peat moss , and most of the shit these guys use already mixed in it... its ph buffering , i havent had any problems yet i just started feeding light feedings of fox farm nutes and cal mag


Well-Known Member
I agree with polish but i think you need to look more closely for a slight magnesium deficiency.
looks u nute burned for sure which I agree with doc on the mag defiency but maybe a lock out from nutes how long have u been feeding for?

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Looks like Mag but check ur ph and add mag
But otherwise its pretty common to see on a mj but its defenetly nute related.