Still Growing.400watt/Multi-Strain

all lukin correct -hegh cheese lush hegh - inerestin

bill you got the eyes of a bird of pray

that is either a seed or a male flower to big for nanna

other then that luks gowd
Nice update t. Yeah it does look like a nanner..
you on the box t?
Lol, i own an xbox 360. now am i on it is another story. i use it for netflix and ncaa & nfl, and thats pretty much it. thinkin about sellin it.

Thx bill.ususally when i notice herm's i notice balls like a male plant, i never notice em like that. lol who knows how many hermies ive had. but can this pollinate the rest of em ?

all lukin correct -hegh cheese lush hegh - inerestin

bill you got the eyes of a bird of pray

that is either a seed or a male flower to big for nanna

other then that luks gowd

Thx Wise One. the verdict is still out on what it is, what is the difference from male flower to Nanner?
here it is up close, now what does it look like ?

Lol, thx bill i guess ill just wait n see what it do:?:
and Whyte My nephew is usually the one on the netflix i use it when he isn't here. He is for sure the reason i aint sell it yet. it's the only way to keep him quiet.
what is the difference from male flower to Nanner?

i could be wrong but a nanner is short for bananna that is the single pollen holder shaped like abanana
a small curved cylender shape

the male flower is same as males produce that opens when ripe holdin many nanner type pollen holders

just my interpretaion

almost looks like a seed

oh im not wise - mater of fact quite dumb - i dont know any wise men that have done as many dumb things as i have
an gona be many more prolly

but can this pollinate the rest of em ?

if it has pol inside and opens
and yo fans are runnin
and there is girls that the pistals are of age and not to old
then i dont see why not
if its a seed im cool, i got pollen floating around for sure. i have 3 males im using at the moment so when i open the boxtop im sure some pollen get out. i'm not worried much about a seed here and there though, and it is a seed, i pulled it out/oiff.
hard to fool the old man
i see things my way not the way others see them
i called it but mr Bill spotted it
hawk eye

time to frisk them gals down like they boarding at da airport
check them all in their crevices and cracks
they might be tranportatin contraband (seeds)
Happy Hogmanay T, wishing you and your family all the best for 2012. Hope it's a smooth one for ya,

Yea man its this damn screen issue makes my pics looks a tad bit blurry to the point i dont like i just dont post em. ive started harvesting some of the plants in my tent tho.
Yea man its this damn screen issue makes my pics looks a tad bit blurry to the point i dont like i just dont post em. ive started harvesting some of the plants in my tent tho.

Yeah I hear ya T. The dizz camera shit the bed recently I don't even fuck around with my cell phone for pics, just too frustrating most cameras don't do justice anyways. I have a crop coming out this week that I just stare at and drool. And it takes a lot to make me drool lol, but I'll prolly be the only one to see it.

The new project is coming along nicely by the way, looks like another 4 weeks on the beanoreanos
Well, i guess i'll post a few.

Exodus x Dreamtime


Grape Kush

Big Leaf Corleone. Nothing like the corleone i had before. It was not a fem seed. i'm not sure if this is a hermie or if it got pollinated by something. i remember finding six seeds in the one plant. it didn't hermie otherwise.


C4 x Casey Band, tallest thing in the tent. after i put her under the 6 she shot up.

P10 x x Caseyband, two different phenos.

Blue Cheese x Lush #3 Frosty sweet pheno, better yielder than the other two i have going. topped up high and it responded great


Blue Cheese x Lush #4 Very stinky pheno, reminds me of some old elite stuff i had. very fuely n funky, but not as frosty as the other 2, yet. i love the smell but im hoping she can get frosted just the same as her siblings. topped at second node.


Blue Cheese x Lush #5 Smells almost identical to blue cheese but it has an extra kick, and she is prettier but doesnt have the same color or type of buds as blue cheese. She was fimmed right before 12/12


thx for viewing!