Well-Known Member
either im p'noid,dumb or it's over 4 me. i was leaving the house to walk to the store and i saw a cop go in my neighborhood, i paid it no mind. i was almost homee and i saw the same cop pulling out(my street is shaped like a U so u get what im sayin) so anyway i go in the house and its around 2:30 pm by now and i start watering my plants and then i go looking for my written journal, that i only keep in 2 or 3 place in the house and its gone. i might just be p'noid but on the one day i decide not to tie my girl up that i cant find my journal. so im trippin now alread thinkin a cop came in and took it, so i go bak to the store to grab some cigars and a black n mild so i can smoke my stress away and i see a cop pass me and pulled up into the store im walkin to so now im thinkin this is it they bout to take me so i kept walkin ready for anything got to the store and didnt see the cop carso i deided to go behind the store to this restuarant to be nosey and see where he is and FUCK! the resturant is closed so now i look like a nosey dumbass. its been bout two hours i have cleaned the whole house. wife is at work so i wont bother her yet but when she gets home we are going to clean up again and if its not here i kno imma have to stop growing AGAIN! i hate this feeling even if i find my journal the p'noia part is gonna start an argument at home. idk wtf to do im home here wit just my dogs clockin every car ridin by man.paranoid. im thinking why would he take my journal and not my camera or other shit. it would be illegal on his part either way i look at it but im still noid as fuck and i aint got no lawyer money and i aint gettin no bond if im caught imma 4time felon i hate this fuckin feeling.. sc cops are sick as hell when it comes to "drugs". and i just ordered my fuckin light man. fuck keep playin in the trap u gon get caught eventually.
honestly, that sounds like he truly is skulking you, I'd pull your plants.
and even if it truned out to be for nothing, better than risking it and reaping the concequences, be ready for anything man. and accept the concequences.