Still Growing.400watt/Multi-Strain

either im p'noid,dumb or it's over 4 me. i was leaving the house to walk to the store and i saw a cop go in my neighborhood, i paid it no mind. i was almost homee and i saw the same cop pulling out(my street is shaped like a U so u get what im sayin) so anyway i go in the house and its around 2:30 pm by now and i start watering my plants and then i go looking for my written journal, that i only keep in 2 or 3 place in the house and its gone. i might just be p'noid but on the one day i decide not to tie my girl up that i cant find my journal. so im trippin now alread thinkin a cop came in and took it, so i go bak to the store to grab some cigars and a black n mild so i can smoke my stress away and i see a cop pass me and pulled up into the store im walkin to so now im thinkin this is it they bout to take me so i kept walkin ready for anything got to the store and didnt see the cop carso i deided to go behind the store to this restuarant to be nosey and see where he is and FUCK! the resturant is closed so now i look like a nosey dumbass. its been bout two hours i have cleaned the whole house. wife is at work so i wont bother her yet but when she gets home we are going to clean up again and if its not here i kno imma have to stop growing AGAIN! i hate this feeling even if i find my journal the p'noia part is gonna start an argument at home. idk wtf to do im home here wit just my dogs clockin every car ridin by man.paranoid. im thinking why would he take my journal and not my camera or other shit. it would be illegal on his part either way i look at it but im still noid as fuck and i aint got no lawyer money and i aint gettin no bond if im caught imma 4time felon i hate this fuckin feeling.. sc cops are sick as hell when it comes to "drugs". and i just ordered my fuckin light man. fuck keep playin in the trap u gon get caught eventually.

honestly, that sounds like he truly is skulking you, I'd pull your plants.

and even if it truned out to be for nothing, better than risking it and reaping the concequences, be ready for anything man. and accept the concequences.
this is the fuckin 2nd time, last time it was a cop wit a flashlight walkin the perimeter of my house. i have black plastic over my windows tho and hey look normal from otside. i walked thru my front yard to look for boot footprints and only saw mine but that dont meant shit, also checked my garbage can to see if any backs ripped open. just my journal. but al im thinkin is, is the smell of a grow enough for probable cause and it is my fault i did leave my door unlock, but im usually safe with that cuz my dog is in the yard most times , but i cant even see why they would come
i just looked at my old journal .. it the last incident was dec 21 09.. day b4 my bday. damn my winters keep gettin fucked up im bout to try n sell my plants .. chop the rest
Well I don't know about the US, but I got busted, my light was hanging up, with a hydro tray underneath it (luckily my clones where at another house) I got loads of charges and walked away pleading guilting on possession...lights are not illegal. Perhaps if they could link them to having grown product that they find on you then possibly something could get put on you but a good lawyer would rid that.

I am not sure T, but why would 1 cop be hounding you for growing? Perhaps he's just waisting time, driving around bored and you have a street he can waste a minute down...who knows what, he could be doing a million things. Hope all is well and it works out, would hate to see you in barney.

damn man that sux i personally dont think 1 local cop would do that especially with no warrant...but better safe than sorry!
damn man that sux i personally dont think 1 local cop would do that especially with no warrant...but better safe than sorry!

i feel the same way.. but its corrupt out here and im known as i stated in my last journal.. i just need to move they know me too good out here. but me and my wife flipped house again and its squeaky lean and my journal is gone. i save some bud drying so i have a lil something
trouble is my name.. im used to it. just tired of the shit. this morning the cold bust my pipes so i had my landlord here helpin me fix the pipe and i could smell all 10 flowering plants i cutup in trashbags from outside, im about to take all the plants and trash from the room to a dumpster and my equipment n nutes to my other crib. when the 600 gets here im thinkin about getting a refund, or save it for when i get back. but i could use the 230 i spent on it.
Damn brother that fuckin sucks...I feel for ya. Every cop I have ever known was a DICK! Sure we need them but they need to focus on real crime imo...I used to live in a small town next to Columbia and those fuckers poped me for my tinted windshield two weeks after I had it done. I been ridin here where I am now for 3 years without a look from the cops...One reason I moved, they tax the hell out of ya and the cops. The only tickets I have gotten the last 20 years was in SC and I have lived from florida to Nevada!!!

Hope it works out for ya bro...
fuck man thats some shit. it would seem a bit odd for a cop to risk his arse snooping into a house/ stealing your property without a warrant. it might turn up somewhere though, i know i lose shit and search for hours n give up only to have it turn up a few days later. sucks man, so you gonna move crib again?

dont mean to sound like a prick but why do you keep a journal in the first place. if it comes down heavy your bang to rights man.

harsh times but you know you did the right thing. stay upbeat bro
fuck man thats some shit. it would seem a bit odd for a cop to risk his arse snooping into a house/ stealing your property without a warrant. it might turn up somewhere though, i know i lose shit and search for hours n give up only to have it turn up a few days later. sucks man, so you gonna move crib again?

dont mean to sound like a prick but why do you keep a journal in the first place. if it comes down heavy your bang to rights man.

harsh times but you know you did the right thing. stay upbeat bro

if i find it i might cry! not because of the whole paranoia deal, but i cut down all my girls, clones n shyt.. i was feelin a lil emo while i was cutting some of the plants. i still have my seeds tho.
Damn brother that fuckin sucks...I feel for ya. Every cop I have ever known was a DICK! Sure we need them but they need to focus on real crime imo...I used to live in a small town next to Columbia and those fuckers poped me for my tinted windshield two weeks after I had it done. I been ridin here where I am now for 3 years without a look from the cops...One reason I moved, they tax the hell out of ya and the cops. The only tickets I have gotten the last 20 years was in SC and I have lived from florida to Nevada!!!

Hope it works out for ya bro...
haha, thats funny because the only time ive ever been pulled over for tint was in a small town outside of columbia, where i live. i'm glad im not from here and i damn sure dont want to spend the rest of my life here.