Still Growing.400watt/Multi-Strain

Too much bud you been smoking..lmao Im ready to see this just stay on the low and out of trouble lol...
haha, im tryin to. i went to the dolla store to cop a lil dolla bag of dirt.

damn man glad u found tha journal man better safe than sorry tho huh, get a small filin cab for your paperwork nd maby you wont have to suffer again i wuld of done the same thing u did tho man
yea man, i dont regret. i just feel like a dumbass for not looking where she found it. probably because i smoked myself dumb before i started cleanin n shyt.


i kno right! the only thing im pissed about is the genetics i tossed during the whole lil situation cant get some of those back.. but its nothin, ill make it work wit what i got. :peace: :joint:
Make sure you mix tht dollar dirt with alot of perlite.I transplanted my tahoe and deadhead in the dollar dirt and my tahoe is taking so long to recover but the deadhead looks fine.Im thinking because the dirt is so compact.It looks likw it will manage but once i start seeing buds i will repot in better dirt.
word, i spreaded a whole bag of of focfarm with a bag of ff perperlite around the shrubs in my front yard, imma rake the perlite up tomorrow n mix that shit. thx for the info cuz i was just gonna drop em. i bought a new snake too pics prolly tomorrow. prolly put the tent n everything up too. no hid's yet tho.
how many seeds should i germ. how many plants can i fit under a 600 in 1 gal(3.78ltr) grow bags. i have to fi;; up my 600 tent get my perpy started and create some temporary mini moms til i get genes up.
Cool, I wasnt sure how big you wanted to go, lol. 15 in 1 Gal bags sounds like a good number :)
lol, yea.. im tryna load her up. like a friend said in here b4, if u can the floor you aint doin it right.
Yeah it sounds about right.I did 8 under the 400 so im sure double for the 600 would be fine..

man i used to throw 10 or so under the 4. i think the six is gonna be like 10-15 plants. wither the perpetual doin em in every two weeks.
da bag of cups only came with 16 cups.. so i dropped 16 seeds after soaking them overnight. i only dropped the seeds hat sunk to the bottom. im just hopin atleast 10 pop.
Let me know when your seeds pop because mine should be either popping with yours or a day behind if not then i will dig it up and try the papertowel see if i get a taproot out.If that fails then oh well
Let me know when your seeds pop because mine should be either popping with yours or a day behind if not then i will dig it up and try the papertowel see if i get a taproot out.If that fails then oh well
no problemo bro. i hate waitin for seeds to pop i think with these i am going to go 12-12 from seed so i can veg my moms out for the next go. and get my perpy started. good idea ??? idk ..tomorrows my birthday and i aint got my greens.. all i got is this jose cuervo..n i dont really even like tequila
I just finished flowering with my 400, and I want to buy a new hps bulb for my next flower cycle. Do you recommend a certain brand? I have a sylvania bulb from home depot right now, I'm thinking about getting a hortilux hps but I'm not sure if it it's worth $80. Do you have a suggestion? You have some great looking plants in this thread :blsmoke: