Still having issues


I know I posted up a thread awhile ago but the problem is persisting. I'm starting to lose leaves and I feel like it's nitro deficiency. Please don't let my first plant die haha. Here's some pics.


Well-Known Member
looks like you have shitty lights! leaves are poor quality, should be way more compact and soil looks super wet. feeding?
Water PH?
Run off PH?
Light schedule?


Well-Known Member
dont want to sound mean, I had a TERRIBLE first grow and have since learned a thing or two.
I do wish you luck, but post up and lets see if we can offer any assistance.


Well I flushed the soil with rain water because the ph was messed up that's why the soil is messed up. My lights are 100 watt, and 60 CFL plus natural sunlight. The light schedule is from 10am-10pm. I feed it miracle grow for now (I know dumb but I'm getting my hands on some 9-3-6 foliage pro food) but idk what's going on


My soil is perfectly fine. Organic soil, perlite, sand, worm castings bat guano, ect. Once again I had to flush the soil that's why


I would have to agree, my first thought was your soil looks like mud. Flushing or not it shouldnt look like that. Def suffocating your already weak root system. No offence but why ask if your going to say my soil is fine, better drainage mabey?! ive flushed my soil before "ffof" and it looks like flushed soil, not mud?


Well-Known Member
A little more info might help...
How old is the plant?
What has your feeding and watering been like?
With the feed, be specific. What strength with the MG, how often/how many times?
When did the plant stop looking healthy?

Miracle grow is not a bad soil fertilizer.MG all purpose has produced plenty of plants from seed to harvest. When I did outdoor, that is all they got until Mid July.


Well-Known Member
Well I flushed the soil with rain water because the ph was messed up that's why the soil is messed up. My lights are 100 watt, and 60 CFL plus natural sunlight. The light schedule is from 10am-10pm. I feed it miracle grow for now (I know dumb but I'm getting my hands on some 9-3-6 foliage pro food) but idk what's going on
That's not soil, that is DIRT.
There's a difference.
The plant is so far down in the pot, you can't get any light around the sides.
Way overwatered, and at that size, you shouldn't even have a box of nutes in the same room.